to inspire a feeling of admiration, reverence, or fear in someone, often due to the perceived greatness, beauty, or power of something

使敬畏, 使惊叹

to influence someone to do something or to get something from them by being superficially nice to them

哄骗, 劝诱

to irritate or provoke someone, typically through persistent criticism, taunts, or annoying behavior

刺激, 挑衅

to grant an employee a temporary leave of absence, often without pay, due to economic reasons, company restructuring, or other circumstances beyond their control

给予暂时休假, 让员工休假

to add something that enhances or improves the quality or appearance of someone or something

补充, 提高

to unravel or become worn at the edges, typically as a result of continuous use or friction

磨损, 磨破

to shed or cast off of old skin, scales, feathers, or horns, typically as part of a natural growth

脱皮, 蜕皮