Articles related to "object pronouns"


object pronouns

Object pronouns are used when we want to substitute a noun that has the role of the object in a sentence. The object in a sentence is the receiver of the action.

Objects of Prepositions

Objects of prepositions are used when we know there must be an object after the prepositions.


It vs. Them

'It' and 'They' are both pronouns, but what is the difference between 'it' and 'they'? Here we will discuss the differences and similarities between the two.


She and I vs. She and Me

What is the difference between 'she and I' and 'she and me'? Can we use both options? Or none of them is correct? Let's find out!


We vs. Us

'We' is a subject pronoun used as the subject of sentences. 'Us' is an object pronoun used as an object in a sentence. But can they be interchangeable?



In this lesson, we will learn more about 'Us' which is the first-person plural pronoun, and the object form of 'we.'



'Me' is a first-person singular pronoun. In this part, we will go through its uses and grammatical rules in English grammar.


You Singular or Plural

For 2nd person singular and plural, formal or informal, we only have one pronoun in English today. So aren't you curious to know how do we tell the difference?



In this lesson, we will learn more about 'her' which is the third-person singular pronoun, and the object pronoun of 'she.'


You vs. Yourself

'Yourself' is a second person singular reflexive pronoun, 'you' is the second person personal pronoun both singular and plural. Can they be interchangeable?



'One' is an impersonal pronoun that refers to a specific person or thing. In this part, we will go through its uses and grammatical rules in English grammar.


They vs. Them

'They' and 'them' are both third-person plural pronouns and refer to plural nouns. But what is their main difference? Let's find out!


His vs. Him

We have different kinds of pronouns in English grammar, for example, subject, object, possessive, impersonal, etc. Here, we will discuss two masculine pronouns.


Object Pronouns

Pronouns that can take the place of an object are called object pronouns. In this article, you will get to know different kinds of object pronouns.


He and I or Him and I

'He and I' or 'Him and I'? Is one of them the correct choice? Or they are both wrong? Let's find out.


She vs. Her

'She' and 'her' are both pronouns that are used to refer to nouns describing female persons and animals.



'Them' is a third-person plural pronoun. In this part, we will go through its uses and grammatical rules in English grammar.


Object Pronouns

Pronouns that can take the place of an object are called object pronouns. In this article, you will get to know different kinds of object pronouns.



In this lesson, we will learn more about the third-person singular pronoun 'Him.'



'You' is the second person pronoun. Here, we will discuss the functions and grammatical rules of this useful pronoun.


Theirs vs. Them

What is the difference between 'them' and 'theirs?' 'Theirs' is the third person plural possessive pronoun. 'Them' is a third-person pronoun. What else?


Whom vs. Them

'Whom' and 'them' are words in the English language that may confuse learners. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.


He vs. Him

Which one is grammatically correct? 'I invited his parents, his girlfriend and he?' or 'I invited his parents, his girlfriend and him?' Let's find out!


Me vs. Myself

'Me' and 'myself' are both objects that refer to the same person, but they cannot be used in place of one another. Let's see.


Whom vs. Whomever

It is rare to see whomever in daily English. But it is important to know the difference between 'whom' and 'whomever.'


Direct Objects

Generally, an object is a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that usually comes after the verb. In this article we will talk about the direct objects.


Ours vs. Us

What is the difference between 'ours' and 'us'? They are both pronouns. They are both first-person plurals. But they are of different categories of pronouns.



Simply put, an object is a noun or pronoun representing the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. Here, we'll explain more.



'It' is a third-person singular pronoun. Here, we will take a close look at its functions and grammatical rules in the English language.


I vs. Me

'I' and 'me' are both words that mean the same thing, but each one must be used in a different circumstance. To know more about this, start here.


Them vs. These or Those

'These' and 'Those' are called plural demonstratives. They can be subjects or objects. 'Them' is an object pronoun. So, can they be interchangeable?


Personal Pronouns

A personal pronoun is a word that substitutes a name to avoid repetition. Personal pronouns show us the grammatical person and gender of the name they refer to.

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