العلوم الطبية - أدوية محددة
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بأدوية معينة، مثل "aspirin" و"codeine" و"antibiotic".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that helps with pain, swelling, and fever


a form of medicine mainly used to control mood in individuals with bipolar disorder


a narcotic drug that is extracted from opium and is medicinally used to relieve pain


an analgesic drug that alleviates mild or chronic pain and reduces fever in most cases

أسيتامينوفين, باراسيتامول

any of variation of antibiotics obtained from Penicillium moulds and used to treat or prevent a wide range of bacterial infections


a tranquilizing drug, often used as a muscle relaxant, that can relieve anxiety and tension


a milky white liquid medication containing magnesium hydroxide that helps with constipation and stomach discomfort

حليب المغنيسيا, مستحضر المغنيسيا

a synthetic compound used to treat the illness of depression, panic attacks, certain eating disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder

بروزاك, مضاد اكتئاب

a powerful sedative primarily used to treat severe insomnia or induce anesthesia, commonly misused for its ability to cause memory loss and sedation


a medicine that fights bacteria, commonly used to treat tuberculosis and other bacterial infections


a medicine that helps treat breast cancer by blocking the effects of estrogen on cancer cells


a brand of acetaminophen, a widely used over-the-counter pain reliever and fever reducer


a synthetic thyroid hormone used to treat hypothyroidism and other thyroid-related conditions


a medicine that helps with stomach problems by lowering the amount of acid it produces


a type of medicine used to treat allergies or neutralize their effects

مضاد الهيستامين

a drug that is used to destroy bacteria or stop their growth, like Penicillin

مضاد حيوي, دواء مضاد للبكتيريا

a medication commonly prescribed to treat nerve pain and seizures by stabilizing electrical activity in the brain


a medicine that helps people breathe better by relaxing the muscles in their airways

الألبوتيرول, السالبوتامول

a medication used to treat high blood pressure, heart conditions, and kidney damage in diabetes


an oral medication that helps control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes


a prescription opioid for moderate to severe pain, with potential for dependence


a combination of medications, usually mifepristone followed by misoprostol, used to terminate an early pregnancy

حبوب الإجهاض, دواء الإجهاض