
سات العلوم الإنسانية - أفكار

ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالأفكار، مثل "supposition"، و"ascribe"، و"intriguing"، وما إلى ذلك، والتي ستحتاجها للتفوق في اختبارات SAT الخاصة بك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
SAT Vocabulary for Humanities

a belief about what is likely to happen in the future, often based on previous experiences or desires

توقع, تطلعات

توقع, تطلعات

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an idea or belief that one thinks is true without having a proof

افتراض, قناعة

افتراض, قناعة

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the process or act of depicting or detailing the distinctive traits, qualities, or features of a person, object, or concept

توصيف, شخصية

توصيف, شخصية

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something such as an idea, claim, belief, etc that one believes to be true even though it is yet to be proved

افتراض, فرضية

افتراض, فرضية

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the action of understanding or becoming fully aware of something

إدراك, تحقيق

إدراك, تحقيق

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the act of making something known or revealed, particularly something surprising or previously unknown



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a moment in which one comes to a sudden realization

إيبيفاني, رؤية مفاجئة

إيبيفاني, رؤية مفاجئة

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the ability to comprehend or firmly understand a concept, idea, or piece of information

فهم, استيعاب

فهم, استيعاب

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the condition of being unable or unwilling to believe something

عدم التصديق

عدم التصديق

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the act of forming a personal understanding or mental image of something based on individual perception or analysis

تفسير, تأويل

تفسير, تأويل

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the action of predicting something to happen in the future

توقع, انتظار

توقع, انتظار

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a statement made about the likelihood of something happening in the future

تنبؤ, توقع

تنبؤ, توقع

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a mental spark that drives unusual creativity or activity

إلهام, شرارة إبداعية

إلهام, شرارة إبداعية

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a general concept or idea that is not tied to any specific instance or physical form



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a notion or idea formed in the mind, representing a general understanding or mental image of something

مفهوم, تصور

مفهوم, تصور

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the process of carefully thinking about or discussing something in detail before making a decision

تداول, مداولة

تداول, مداولة

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a strong and uncontrollable interest or attachment to something or someone, causing constant thoughts, intense emotions, and repetitive behaviors



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a mental state achieved by maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, etc., used as a therapeutic technique

الوعي الذاتي, الانتباه

الوعي الذاتي, الانتباه

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world view

a set of beliefs about the nature of the world and the place of humans within it

عالمية, نظرة للعالم

عالمية, نظرة للعالم

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a set of attitudes, beliefs, or a mental disposition that influences how a person interprets and responds to situations

عقلية, تفكير

عقلية, تفكير

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a belief that something is true without any proof

افتراض, اعتقاد

افتراض, اعتقاد

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the intuitive understanding or perception of the inner nature or truth of something

فهم عميق, بصيرة

فهم عميق, بصيرة

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hard to understand or explain

غامض, محير

غامض, محير

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arousing interest and curiosity due to being strange or mysterious

مثير للاهتمام, مُحيِّر

مثير للاهتمام, مُحيِّر

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having refined taste, elegance, and knowledge of complex matters

معقد, راقي

معقد, راقي

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feeling confused and having trouble thinking or reacting correctly

مُرْتَبِك, مُذهَل

مُرْتَبِك, مُذهَل

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paying close attention to one's surroundings or circumstances to stay aware of potential risks or threats

متيقظ, يقظ

متيقظ, يقظ

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confused or puzzled, often because of a complex or difficult situation or problem

مرتبك, حائر

مرتبك, حائر

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in a highly concentrated manner

بانتباه شديد, بتركيز عالي

بانتباه شديد, بتركيز عالي

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to ponder

to give careful thought to something, its various aspects, implications, or possibilities

تأمل, تفكر

تأمل, تفكر

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to contemplate

to think about or consider something as a possibility

تأمل, اعتبر

تأمل, اعتبر

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to reminisce

to remember past events, experiences, or memories with a sense of nostalgia

يتذكر, يسترجع

يتذكر, يسترجع

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to conceive

to consider or regard someone or something in a particular way or context

يتصور, يعتبر

يتصور, يعتبر

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to recognize

to completely understand, acknowledge, or become aware of the existence, validity, or importance of something

يعترف, يدرك

يعترف, يدرك

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to discern

to understand something through thought or reasoning

تمييز, فهم

تمييز, فهم

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to conceptualize

to form an idea or concept in the mind by combining existing ideas or information

تصور, تخيل

تصور, تخيل

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to rationalize

to create reasonable explanations for behaviors, decisions, or actions, especially when they may not truly represent the real motives

تفسير, تقديم تبريرات

تفسير, تقديم تبريرات

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to envision

to picture something in one's mind

يَتَخَيَّلُ, يُصَوِّرُ

يَتَخَيَّلُ, يُصَوِّرُ

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to consider

to think about something carefully before making a decision or forming an opinion

يعتبر, يفكر في

يعتبر, يفكر في

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to esteem

to view or assess something or someone in a certain way based on evaluation

يقدّر, يعتبر

يقدّر, يعتبر

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to internalize

to incorporate or integrate information, beliefs, or values into one's own understanding or mindset

تجسيد, دمج

تجسيد, دمج

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to engross

to absorb all of someone's attention or time, captivating them completely

استحوذ, أشغل

استحوذ, أشغل

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to contextualize

to think about something with regard to its condition and relating information so as to understand it better

تفسير سياقي, تحليل ضمن السياق

تفسير سياقي, تحليل ضمن السياق

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to attribute

to relate or assign a feature or quality to something or someone

ينسب إلى, يعزو إلى

ينسب إلى, يعزو إلى

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to fathom

to understand and make sense of something after giving it a lot of thought

يفهم, يدرك

يفهم, يدرك

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to surmise

to come to a conclusion without enough evidence

يظن, يفترض

يظن, يفترض

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to deem

to consider in a particular manner

يعتبر, يعد

يعتبر, يعد

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to credit

to acknowledge someone as the source, agent, or possessor of an action, achievement, or quality

يُنسب إلى, يُعطى الائتمان لـ

يُنسب إلى, يُعطى الائتمان لـ

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to imprint

to establish a lasting impression or memory of something in someone's mind

يترك أثرا, يم印

يترك أثرا, يم印

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to ascribe

to attribute a particular quality, cause, or origin to someone or something

ينسب, يوجه

ينسب, يوجه

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to decipher

to interpret or understand something that is difficult or unclear

فك الشيفرة, تفسير

فك الشيفرة, تفسير

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to faze

to unsettle someone, often leading them to lose their confidence or peace temporarily

يقلق, يؤثر على

يقلق, يؤثر على

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to mystify

to puzzle someone by being mysterious or difficult to understand

يحيّر, يُلْبِس

يحيّر, يُلْبِس

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to bewilder

to confuse someone, leaving them uncertain

حير, أربك

حير, أربك

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to bemuse

to confuse someone, often by being difficult to understand

يشوش, يحتار

يشوش, يحتار

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to consume

to completely occupy or fill the mind, often to the point of obsession or intense focus

يستهلك, يغمر

يستهلك, يغمر

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