الأطعمة والمشروبات - الشوكولاتة والحلويات
هنا سوف تتعلم أسماء أنواع مختلفة من الشوكولاتة والحلويات باللغة الإنجليزية مثل "المارشميلو"، و"taffy"، و"lollipop".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
dark colored chocolate that tastes slightly bitter, often with no milk added to it

الشوكولاته الداكنة, الشوكولاتة المرة

a type of chocolate that is made from cocoa solids, milk powder, sugar, and often a small amount of vanilla or other flavorings

شيكولاتة بالحليب, شوكولاتة لبنية

a type of chocolate that is made from cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids, and often a small amount of vanilla or other flavorings

شوكلاتة بيضاء

a type of chocolate made from ruby cocoa beans, which have a naturally pinkish hue

شوكولاتة الياقوت, شوكولاتة الوردية

a type of chocolate that is made from pure cocoa solids and does not contain any added sugar or milk solids

شوكولاتة للخبز, شوكولاتة للمعجنات

a confectionery material made from melted chocolate and corn syrup or other sweeteners, used in cake decorating

شكولاتة للنمذجة, عجينة الشوكولاتة

unprocessed or minimally processed chocolate made from cocoa beans that have not been roasted

شوكولاتة خام, شوكولاتة غير معالجة

a type of chocolate substitute made from a combination of cocoa powder, vegetable fats or oils, and sweeteners

شوكولاته مركبة, شوكولاتة بديلة

a high-quality chocolate that has a higher percentage of cocoa solids and cocoa butter compared to regular chocolate

شوكولاتة تغطية, شوكولاتة عالية الجودة

a flat, rectangular-shaped food made from chocolate that is usually divided into smaller pieces for easy consumption

لوح الشوكولاتة, شوكولاتة مقسمة

a small, typically flat piece of chocolate used in baking or confectionery

حبيبات الشوكولاتة, قطع الشوكولاتة

a type of chocolate that contains a higher percentage of cocoa solids and less sugar, offering a balanced mix of bitterness and sweetness

شوكولاتة مرّة حلوة, شوكولاتة شبه حلوة

a type of chocolate that contains a higher percentage of cocoa solids and less sugar than milk chocolate, but is sweeter than bittersweet chocolate

شوكولاتة شبه حلوة, شوكولاتة متوسطة الحلاوة

a type of confectionery that is made from a mixture of chocolate and other ingredients such as nuts, caramel, nougat or fruit

شوكولاتة, حلوى بار

a collection of sweet items, such as candies, chocolates, and baked goods, usually made with sugar or other sweeteners

مَكَان حَلاَوِيَّات, مَنَادَة حَلَوِيَّات

a sweet, spreadable confection made from sugar, corn syrup, egg whites, and flavorings, and is often used as a topping or filling for desserts

كريمة المارشملو, فلّف المارشملو

a soft sweet which is made of a thick substance produced by boiling sugar and then flavored

طافة, حلوى

a type of hard candy that is flavored with lemon and often coated with sugar

حلوى الليمون, حلاوة الليمون

a small sweet in the shape of a bean which is hard on the outside and soft on the inside

حبوب جلي, حبة هلامية

a type of confectionery that is made from sugar, corn syrup, and other sweeteners, and often flavored with natural or artificial flavorings

حلوى سكر, حلويات سكر

a hard and colored candy often with a fruity taste, which is made of boiled corn syrup and sugar

حلوى صلبة, حلوى قاسية

a type of hard, crunchy candy that is made by cooking sugar and nuts or seeds together until it hardens

حلوى مقرمشة, بريتيل

a mass of sticky threads made by melting sugar, served on a stick

غزل البنات, قطن حلو

a soft sweet which is made by boiling butter and sugar together and flavoring it

توفي, كراميل

a hard brown sweet made from sugar and butter boiled together

الكراميل, حلوى زبدة السكر

a soft sweet made from jelly flavored with fruit and covered with sugar

راحة الحلقوم, حلاوة تركية

a mass of sticky threads made by melting sugar, served on a stick

غزل البنات, قطعة سكر

a substance for chewing with different tastes such as strawberry, mint, etc.

علكة, مطاط مضغ

a small colored ball of chewing gum, which is sometimes covered with sugar

كرات العلكة, كرات مطاطية

a sweet that contains medicine or is flavored with fruit to treat sore throat

حبوب مؤلمة, حلوى طبية

a sweet food made by cooking nuts in boiling sugar and used as a filling for chocolates


soft, chewy confectionery made from sugar, flavorings, colorings, and gelatin or gelling agents, often enjoyed as a sweet treat

حلوى مطاطية, حلوى جيلاتينية

a small, bear-shaped gummy candy made from sugar, flavorings, colorings, and gelatin or other gelling agents

دب قزازي, حلوى دب

a worm-shaped gummy candy made from sugar, flavorings, colorings, and gelatin or other gelling agents

دودة مطاطية, حلويات على شكل دودة