
الأطعمة والمشروبات - الشوكولاتة والحلويات

هنا سوف تتعلم أسماء أنواع مختلفة من الشوكولاتة والحلويات باللغة الإنجليزية مثل "المارشميلو"، و"taffy"، و"lollipop".




بطاقات الفلاش




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Words Related to Foods and Drinks
dark chocolate

dark colored chocolate that tastes slightly bitter, often with no milk added to it

الشوكولاته الداكنة

الشوكولاته الداكنة

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milk chocolate

a type of chocolate that is made from cocoa solids, milk powder, sugar, and often a small amount of vanilla or other flavorings

شوكولاتة الحليب

شوكولاتة الحليب

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white chocolate

a type of chocolate that is made from cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids, and often a small amount of vanilla or other flavorings

شوكولاته بيضاء

شوكولاته بيضاء

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ruby chocolate

a type of chocolate made from ruby cocoa beans, which have a naturally pinkish hue

روبي الشوكولاته

روبي الشوكولاته

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baking chocolate

a type of chocolate that is made from pure cocoa solids and does not contain any added sugar or milk solids

خبز الشوكولاتة

خبز الشوكولاتة

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modeling chocolate

a confectionery material made from melted chocolate and corn syrup or other sweeteners, used in cake decorating

نمذجة الشوكولاته

نمذجة الشوكولاته

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raw chocolate

unprocessed or minimally processed chocolate made from cocoa beans that have not been roasted

الشوكولاتة الخام

الشوكولاتة الخام

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compound chocolate

a type of chocolate substitute made from a combination of cocoa powder, vegetable fats or oils, and sweeteners

الشوكولاتة المركبة

الشوكولاتة المركبة

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couverture chocolate

a high-quality chocolate that has a higher percentage of cocoa solids and cocoa butter compared to regular chocolate

الشوكولاته كوفرتور

الشوكولاته كوفرتور

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chocolate bar

a flat, rectangular-shaped food made from chocolate that is usually divided into smaller pieces for easy consumption

قطعة شوكولاتة

قطعة شوكولاتة

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chocolate chip

a small, typically flat piece of chocolate used in baking or confectionery

رقائق الشوكلاته

رقائق الشوكلاته

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bittersweet chocolate

a type of chocolate that contains a higher percentage of cocoa solids and less sugar, offering a balanced mix of bitterness and sweetness

شوكولاته حلوة مرة

شوكولاته حلوة مرة

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semi-sweet chocolate

a type of chocolate that contains a higher percentage of cocoa solids and less sugar than milk chocolate, but is sweeter than bittersweet chocolate

الشوكولاته نصف حلو

الشوكولاته نصف حلو

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candy bar

a type of confectionery that is made from a mixture of chocolate and other ingredients such as nuts, caramel, nougat or fruit

قطعة حلوى

قطعة حلوى

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a small piece of food that contains sugar and sometimes chocolate



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a collection of sweet items, such as candies, chocolates, and baked goods, usually made with sugar or other sweeteners



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a soft sweet made with cream, butter, and boiled sugar

كرملية كرامل

كرملية كرامل

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a sweet made of sugar and gelatin

الخطمى عشب من الفصيلة الخبازية

الخطمى عشب من الفصيلة الخبازية

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marshmallow fluff

a sweet, spreadable confection made from sugar, corn syrup, egg whites, and flavorings, and is often used as a topping or filling for desserts

زغب الخطمي

زغب الخطمي

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a soft sweet which is made of a thick substance produced by boiling sugar and then flavored



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lemon drop

a type of hard candy that is flavored with lemon and often coated with sugar

قطرة ليمون

قطرة ليمون

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jelly bean

a small sweet in the shape of a bean which is hard on the outside and soft on the inside

هلام الفول

هلام الفول

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a small sweet made of jelly

صمغ قطرة

صمغ قطرة

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sugar candy

a type of confectionery that is made from sugar, corn syrup, and other sweeteners, and often flavored with natural or artificial flavorings

حلوى السكر

حلوى السكر

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hard candy

a hard and colored candy often with a fruity taste, which is made of boiled corn syrup and sugar

الحلوى الصلبة

الحلوى الصلبة

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a type of hard, crunchy candy that is made by cooking sugar and nuts or seeds together until it hardens



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a thick sweet filled with nuts or fruit pieces

النوغة حلوي بيضاء

النوغة حلوي بيضاء

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rock candy

a hard sugary sweet in the shape of crystals

الحلوى الصخرية

الحلوى الصخرية

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cotton candy

a mass of sticky threads made by melting sugar, served on a stick

شعر البنات

شعر البنات

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a soft sweet which is made by boiling butter and sugar together and flavoring it

سكريات الطوفي حلوى

سكريات الطوفي حلوى

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a hard brown sweet made from sugar and butter boiled together

حلوى من سكر أسمر وزبدة

حلوى من سكر أسمر وزبدة

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candy cane

a hard sweet on a stick with one curved end

عصي الحلوى

عصي الحلوى

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a large sweet that is hard and round



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a type of candy that is flat or round and is on a stick



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Turkish delight

a soft sweet made from jelly flavored with fruit and covered with sugar

راحة الحلقوم

راحة الحلقوم

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acid drop

a hard sweet that tastes sour

قطرة حمض

قطرة حمض

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barley sugar

‌a type of hard and clear sweet which is made from boiled sugar

سكر نبات

سكر نبات

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a sweet with a nut, etc. inside covered in chocolate



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bubble gum

a kind of chewing gum that when blown takes the shape of a bubble



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a mass of sticky threads made by melting sugar, served on a stick

سكر نبات

سكر نبات

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chewing gum

a substance for chewing with different tastes such as strawberry, mint, etc.



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a sweet made with nuts, seeds, and pieces of dried fruit, coated in sugar

فاكهة مسكرة مجففة

فاكهة مسكرة مجففة

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gum ball

a small colored ball of chewing gum, which is sometimes covered with sugar

كرة اللثة

كرة اللثة

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a sweet that contains medicine or is flavored with fruit to treat sore throat

قرص طبي محلي

قرص طبي محلي

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a candy made with peppermint oil



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a sweet food made by cooking nuts in boiling sugar and used as a filling for chocolates



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a small round flavored sweet

البرقوق السكر

البرقوق السكر

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a soft chocolate sweet



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gummy candy

soft, chewy confectionery made from sugar, flavorings, colorings, and gelatin or gelling agents, often enjoyed as a sweet treat

حلوى جيلاتينية

حلوى جيلاتينية

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gummy bear

a small, bear-shaped gummy candy made from sugar, flavorings, colorings, and gelatin or other gelling agents

حلوى الدب المضغية

حلوى الدب المضغية

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a creamy brown sweet made with milk, sugar, and butter



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gummi worm

a worm-shaped gummy candy made from sugar, flavorings, colorings, and gelatin or other gelling agents

دودة صمغية

دودة صمغية

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small, colorful, fruit-flavored candies with a hard shell and a chewy center

ألعاب القنانيات الخشبية

ألعاب القنانيات الخشبية

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