
القرار، الاقتراح والالتزام - اتخاذ قرار

ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة باتخاذ القرار، مثل "indecisive" و"hustle" و"finding".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Words Related to Decision, Suggestion, and Obligation

used to introduce two choices or possibilities



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[حرف العطف]

a legal decision or statement made by an Islamic leader



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to find

(of a law court) to make an official decision

إدانة (المحكمة)

إدانة (المحكمة)

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to find against

to declare someone guilty or make a decision against someone in a court case

تجد ضد

تجد ضد

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to find for

to declare someone right or innocent in a court of law case

ابحث عن

ابحث عن

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a judgment made by a judge or jury in a court of law



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to force the issue

to compel someone to accelerate the process of decision-making

فرض هذه القضية

فرض هذه القضية

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free will

the idea that human beings have the agency to decide independently without being controlled by any outside influences

حرية الارادة

حرية الارادة

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to give an inch

(always negative) ‌to refuse to make even a slightest change to one's position, decision, etc.

رفض تغيير شيء ما

رفض تغيير شيء ما

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to go back on one's word

to fail to keep a promise or commitment that was previously made

عدم الوفاء بالوعد

عدم الوفاء بالوعد

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to go back on a promise

to fail to keep or fulfill a commitment or assurance made to someone

عندما تفشل في الوفاء بالوعد

عندما تفشل في الوفاء بالوعد

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to go before

to be formally presented for discussion or judgment by a person or authority

to hand down

‌to formally announce something such as a decision or judgment

to have a think

to think about something before making a decision

النظر في شيء بدقة

النظر في شيء بدقة

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to hem and haw

to hesitate in making a decision or saying something

- الشك في اتخاذ القرارات

- الشك في اتخاذ القرارات

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Hobson's choice

a choice made in a situation in which no other options were available

اختيار هوبسون

اختيار هوبسون

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to hustle

to convince or make someone to do something

إجبار شخص ما على القيام بشيء ما

إجبار شخص ما على القيام بشيء ما

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capable of quickly grasping complex topics and offer clear and insightful perspectives

ذكية وعملية

ذكية وعملية

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not producing a clear result or decision

غير حاسمة

غير حاسمة

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(of a person) having difficulty making choices or decisions, often due to fear, lack of confidence, or overthinking

غير متأكد

غير متأكد

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reluctant to compromise or change one's attitude, belief, plan, etc.



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in one's favor

in a way that gives someone an advantage over something or someone

لصالح شخص ما

لصالح شخص ما

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it is six of one, half a dozen of the other

used to say that both options or situations are equal and that none is better or worse than the other

لا فرق

لا فرق

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I am easy

used to express indifference toward the options or choices that are offered

أنا سهل

أنا سهل

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