to take great pleasure or delight in an experience or activity

vychutnávat si, radovat se

the act of making something known or revealed, particularly something surprising or previously unknown


to resound or echo with a deep, prolonged sound, often creating a lasting impression or effect

ozývat se, rezonovat

to honor or hold in deep respect, typically in a manner that falls short of worship

uctívat, vážit si

the use of words that convey the opposite meaning as a way to annoy someone or for creating a humorous effect


a stone coffin in ancient times, often decorated with a sculpture


referring to clothing, particularly men's clothing, or the manner in which it is tailored or worn

sartoriální, oděvní

a very small creature that lives on plants, animals, or in carpets

roztoč, parazit

to cut the square edges of something at a 45° angle and fit them together to make a 90° corner

seříznout na zkosení, šikmo řezat

to dig out a corpse from the ground, especially from a grave, for examination, reburial, or other purposes

exhumovat, vytahovat

to clear someone from blame or responsibility for a wrongdoing or crime, often through evidence

exonere, zbavit viny

originating in another country, particularly a tropical one

exotický, cizokrajný

an obvious difference between two similar or related things or persons

rozdíl, distinkce

to recognize and mentally separate two things, people, etc.

rozlišovat, odlišovat

a god in Greek mythology who has the face and body of a human and legs, horns, tails, and ears of a goat
