Kniha Total English - Pokročilý - Unit 8 - Reference
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 8 – Reference v učebnici Total English Advanced, jako je „root“, „formulate“, „exploration“ atd.
the use of living organisms, or their parts or products, in industrial, agricultural, medical, or other technological applications to produce or modify useful products or processes

biotechnologie, biotechnologický proces

the act of banning or deleting information that could be valuable to the enemy

cenzura, zákaz

the condition of lacking enough money or income to afford basic needs like food, clothing, etc.


a system of government based on the vote of the public who choose their representatives periodically by free election


the fact that the cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar as a result of improvement in communications and development of multinational corporations


the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect

globální oteplování, nárůst průměrné teploty Země

the fact or process of coming to another country to permanently live there


the illegal use of someone's name and personal information without their knowledge, particularly to gain money or goods

krádež identity, zneužití identity

the act of traveling through unfamiliar areas in order to gain knowledge or discover new information

průzkum, explorace

the belief that cultural diversity within a society should be respected

multikulturalismus, kulturální pluralismus

the reduction or exhaustion of a resource, supply, or quantity, resulting in a decrease or loss

vyčerpání, úbytek

a layer of gases in the earth's atmosphere that does not let the sun's ultraviolet radiation pass through

ozonová vrstva

the scientific process of creating an identical or near-identical copy of a living organism, cell, or DNA sequence through asexual reproduction or genetic engineering techniques

klonování, duplikace

the right to express any opinions or ideas without censorship, restraint, or fear of retaliation from the government or other authorities

svoboda slova, právo na svobodu vyjadřování

a company or group of people that are considered as a single unit by law

korporace, společnost

a change in water, air, etc. that makes it harmful or dangerous

znečištění, kontaminace

to give something or someone more credit than is deserved

přeceňovat, nadhodnotit

to consider someone or something as less important, valuable, or skillful than they actually are

podceňovat, degradovat

an advantage or a helpful effect that is the result of a situation

benefit, výhoda

absolutely necessary or crucial, to the point that being replaced or substituted is not possible

nezbytný, nepostradatelný

extremely valuable and essential, to the point that the true worth of something is immeasurable

neocenitelný, bezcenný

to forcefully split or remove something from their place or position, often through pulling or ripping

vytrhnout, odstranit

a phone call that is made at a particular time to wake someone up, at their request, for example in a hotel

budíček, telefonní budíček

non-stop and continuing through the whole day and night

non-stop, kolo kolem

to feel very tired from working too much over a period of time

vyhořet, vyčerpat se

a highly favorable or advantageous chance or situation that holds great potential for success or achievement

zlatá příležitost, zlatá šance

a strong urge to travel or leave somewhere

svrby chodidel, touha po cestování

having significant effects, implications, or consequences that extend over a wide area or range

dalekosáhlý, s dalekosáhlými důsledky

used to specify or emphasize a particular aspect or detail within a broader context

zejména, v particulárním

used to introduce a contrasting aspect of a situation, especially when comparing it to a previous point

na druhou stranu, opak

to highlight something and make it easier to notice by drawing attention toward it

zdůraznit, vyzdvihnout

to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter

usuzovat, vyvozovat

to form a judgment on the quality, worth, nature, ability or importance of something, someone, or a situation

posoudit, zhodnotit

to thoughtfully prepare or create something, paying close attention to its details

formulovat, vytvářet

to briefly state the most important parts or facts of something

shrnovat, přehledně říci

organized according to the order that the events occurred in

chronologický, v chronologickém pořadí