Média a Komunikace - Lidé ve vysílání médií
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s lidmi ve vysílacích médiích, jako je „anchor“, „floor manager“ a „host“.
a person whose job is to talk on radio or TV programs or to present them

vysílatel, moderátor

a radio or TV presenter who is in charge of giving information about different programs

hlásil, moderátor

someone who introduces news on a live TV or radio program by other broadcasters

hlavní moderátor, anchor

someone who is in charge of operating the camera in producing a TV program or a motion picture

kamera operator, kameraman

a radio presenter that announces and plays recorded music

diskžokej, rádiový moderátor

a person who is in charge of managing the stage in a TV production

vedoucí scény, manažer pódia

a person, particularly of a well-known status, who has been asked to temporarily take part in a program, like a television show, concert, etc.

host, speciální host

the person in front of a camera who talks about different topics or invites guests to a TV or radio show

moderátor, hostitel

a presenter who reads the news during a TV or radio program

novinář, moderátor zpráv

a person who deals with supervisory tasks or financial affairs in making a motion picture, play, etc.

producent, producentka

a male TV presenter whose job involves telling the audience what is happening in different sections of a TV program

moderátor, prezentátor

a person who provides a spoken commentary for a TV show, movie, etc. whom the audience cannot see

vypravěč, vypravěčka

a person or an organization that pays the expenses of a TV, radio or online program as a means of advertisement

sponzor, donátor

a performer who provides voices for animated films, TV shows, video games, commercials, audiobooks, and other media where speaking voices are needed

dabér, hlasový herec

a radio presenter who is known for expressing provocative or offensive opinions

šokující diskžokej, provokativní moderátor

a scientist who studies and predicts weather conditions by analyzing atmospheric patterns, utilizing tools such as weather models, instruments, and data to provide forecasts and weather-related information


an individual who watches content, such as videos, TV programs, or live streams, through traditional broadcasting channels or digital platforms

divák, sledovatel

someone who listens to a radio program, often in a regular manner

posluchač, posluchačka

a person who takes part in a discussion or debate on a TV or radio show, offering their opinions or expertise

panelista, člen panelu