Média a Komunikace - vysílání
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s vysíláním, jako je „rušení“, „signál“ a „přenos“.
the electronic medium of transmitting audiovisual content to viewers
the transmission and reception of audio content through electromagnetic waves, providing a platform for delivering news, music, and other forms of entertainment to listeners
the specific number of waves that pass a point every second
radio waves used as a medium for broadcasting television and radio programs
rádiové vlny, vzdušné vlny
a unit that is used to measure the frequency of a radio wave, or speed of a computer, which is equal to 1 billion Hertz
disturbance caused by signals from a different source which lead to unwanted noise in a radio signal that is being received
rušení, interference
a radio wave with a frequency under 300 kHz and a wavelength of more than 1 kilometer that is used for broadcasting
dlouhá vlna, dlouhovlnná vlna
a radio wave that has a frequency between 300 kHz and 3 MHz and a wavelength between 100 to 1000 meters, which is used for broadcasting
střední vlna, středovlnné vysílání
a radio wave that has a frequency between 3 and 30 MHz, and a wavelength between 10 to 100 meters, used for broadcasting
krátkovlnný signál, krátká vlna
a unit that is used to measure the frequency of a radio wave which is equal to 1 million Hertz
a series of electrical or radio waves carrying data to a radio, television station, or mobile phone
signál, vlna
a recognizable signal that the radio broadcasts at a precise time to indicate the accurate time of day
časový signál, signál času
a tall structure, usually made of metal, used to transmit television or radio signals
věž, budova
the activity of transmitting a signal, a message or a program that is being broadcast on radio or television
přenos, vysílání
a range of radio waves with a frequency between 300 MHz and 3000 MHz, especially used in broadcasting television and radio programs that are of high-quality
radio waves in the range of 30 to 300 MHz that are used in broadcasting TV signals
VHF, vlnění VHF
a series of radio waves with similar lengths used for specific types of radio broadcasting
vlnový pás, frekvenční pásmo
the distance between a point on a wave of energy and a similar point on the next wave
vlnová délka
a noise that holds numerous sound frequencies with the same strengths
bílý šum, pozadí šumu
the distribution of audio or video content to a wide audience, typically through radio or television, using a network or airwaves
vysílání, broadcast
the absence of any sound or broadcast signal on a radio or television channel, resulting in a period of silence or static noise
mrtvý vzduch, absence signálu
the quality or the act of receiving radio, television or cellphone signals
přijem, kvalita příjmu
a program sent out by a satellite or from the main network to radio and television stations for broadcasting
vysílání, kanál
the transmission or dissemination of content to a specific and targeted audience or niche market, as opposed to broadcasting to a broad and general audience
narrowcasting, úzce zaměřené vysílání
a system by which people working in a radio station can communicate with one another without being heard by the audience
interní komunikační systém, zpětná vazba
interfering noises on telecommunication systems, such as radio, caused by electrical disturbances in the air
statika, interference
a right given to people to broadcast their own programs on television or radio channels
veřejný přístup, právo na veřejný přístup
the licensing or distribution of television or radio programs to multiple broadcasters or stations for airing, allowing content to reach a broader audience beyond its original network or production company
a group of TV or radio stations broadcasting the same program at the same time in different places
síť, kanál
one of the main methods of radio broadcasting with a high sound quality
frekvenční modulace, modulace frekvence
one of the main methods of radio broadcasting with a lower sound quality than FM
amplitudová modulace, AM
the trend of canceling traditional cable or satellite TV subscriptions in favor of streaming services or other digital media options
řezání kabelu, odstřižení od kabelu