Slovesa Související s Tématem Lidských Činností - Slovesa související s medicínou a zdravím
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na medicínu a zdraví, jako je „léčit“, „léčit“ a „obnovit“.
to provide medical care such as medicine or therapy to heal injuries, illnesses, or wounds and make someone better

léčit, ošetřovat

to regain complete health after a period of sickness or injury

uzdravit se, vzpamatovat se

to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness

překonat, uzdravit se z

to find out the cause of a problem or disease that a person has by examining the symptoms

diagnostikovat, určovat

to insert a substance or material into the body, often through a needle

injektovat, vstřikovat

(of a healthcare professional) to tell someone what drug or treatment they should get

předepisovat, předpisovat

to carefully cut apart the body or one of its parts to display internal structures for scientific examination or instruction

disekce, pitva

to send someone to hospital for medical treatment

hospitalizovat, přijmout do nemocnice

to insert a living tissue or an artificial object into the body via medical procedure

implantovat, vložit

to provide care and support to individuals who are sick or handicapped, aiding in their recovery or well-being

pečovat, opatrovat

to help someone to restore to a healthy and independent state after a period of imprisonment, addiction, illness, etc.

rehabilitovat, integrace

to protect an animal or a person from a disease by vaccination

očkovat, imunizovat

to give a calming substance to a person or animal, often for medical reasons or to reduce anxiety

sedi akce, uklidnit

to give a substance to a person or animal, typically for medical reasons

podat lék, dát léčivo

to surgically remove a body part, such as a limb or organ, often due to injury, disease, or medical necessity

amputovat, odříznout