Citace - Citoslovce pozdravu
Tato citoslovce se používají, když se lidé setkávají a zdraví se, s různou mírou formálnosti nebo přátelskosti.
used to greet someone or to capture their attention in a friendly manner

Ahoj!, Dobrý den!

used as a friendly greeting or inquiry about what someone is doing or planning

Co je nového?, Co se děje?

used to inquire about current events, situations, or activities

Co se děje?, Co se to děje?

used as a casual greeting to wish someone a good morning or to acknowledge the start of the day

Dobré ráno!, Ahoj!

used as a greeting or a way to acknowledge the time of day

Dobré odpoledne!, Ahoj ve veselé odpoledne!

used when greeting someone after a long time has passed since one's last encounter with them

Dlouho se neviděli!, Jak dlouho jsme se neviděli!

a word that we use to greet someone when they arrive

Vítejte! Pojďte dál a cíťte se jako doma.

something we say when we want to greet or say hello to someone in the morning

Dobré ráno, Ahoj

something we say when we want to say hello or goodbye to a person in the afternoon

Dobré odpoledne, Ahoj