Citoslovce - Citoslovce překvapení
Tato citoslovce se používají v kontextech, kde chce mluvčí vyjádřit silné pocity překvapení a údivu s různou úrovní formálnosti.
used to express a strong feeling of surprise, wonder, admiration, or amazement
used to express one's surprise or bewilderment
No tak to teda!
used to express extreme surprise, shock, disbelief, or astonishment
used to express astonishment, surprise, or amazement
Svatá prostoto!
used to express surprise, astonishment, or excitement
used to express a strong reaction to something surprising or unexpected
used in response to unexpected or circumstances to express surprise
Bože můj!
used to express surprise, disbelief, or amazement about something that has just been said or observed
To je tedy překvapení!
used to express surprise, astonishment, or disbelief
Sakra! Nemůžu uvěřit
used to express strong surprise, disbelief, or astonishment
used to express one's surprise or bafflement at something unexpected or remarkable
A hele
used to express a variety of emotions, including surprise and disbelief
Svatá prostoto!
used to convey genuine surprise or interest in response to something someone has just said
used to express surprise, astonishment, or disbelief
To je neuvěřitelné!
used to express disbelief or surprise at a situation, event, or statement
Co to sakra je!
used to express surprise or disbelief, sometimes ironically
To snad ne!