Matematika a Hodnocení ACT - Matematika
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s matematikou, jako je „histogram“, „teorém“, „matice“ atd., která vám pomohou zlepšit vaše ACT.
(mathematics) a quantity whose value changes according to another quantity's varying value


to make a representation of something, especially one based on mathematics

modelovat, představovat

a quantity or value that remains the same and does not change in a specific mathematical context


a combination of numbers, variables, operations, and grouping symbols that collectively represent a numerical value or relationship

algebraický výraz, matematický výraz

(of mathematical expressions or quantities) having the same value or function, even if they appear in different forms

rovnocenný, ekvivalentní

(mathematics) a quantity that is capable of assuming different values in a calculation

proměnná, neznámá

a system of numerical values used to quantify and compare levels, degrees, or values

škála, hodnocení

the set of all possible input values for which a given function is defined

definiční obor, množina vstupních hodnot

(mathematics) a set of points whose coordinates are in agreement with one another

graf, schéma

a diagram consisting of bars with different heights that represent the amount of a variable


a type of graph used in statistics and data analysis to display and compare two sets of numerical data

vykreslení bodů, bodový graf

the point where a line, curve, or surface crosses an axis on a graph

průsečík, intercept

a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in all directions

rovina, rovné útvar

any set of numbers that represent an exact position on a map or graph

souřadnice, bod souřadnic

a straight line drawn through the center of a group of data points on a scatter plot representing the best approximation of the relationship between the variables being studied

linie nejlepého fitu, trendová čára

to meet or cross another path, line, etc. at a particular point

protínat, křižovat

a set of real numbers that includes all the numbers between any two specified numbers within the set

interval, intervaly

a mathematical function that creates a straight line when graphed

lineární funkce, lineární závorka

a function that can be expressed as the ratio of two polynomials, where the denominator is not zero

racionální funkce, funkce vyjádřená jako podíl dvou polynomů

a fixed numerical value that is a whole number, either positive, negative, or zero

celá konstanta, fixní celočíselná hodnota

not following a straight or predictable line, sequence, or pattern

nelineární, nepřímý

to have a direct relationship or alignment with something else, such as paired values or elements

odpovídat, korespondovat

a single number, variable, or the product of numbers and variables in an expression or equation, separated by addition or subtraction operators

člen, výraz

a reference line used in coordinate systems to provide a framework for locating points


a mathematical function that can be expressed as a sum of terms, where each term is a constant multiplied by a variable raised to a non-negative integer power

polynomiální funkce, polynom

to fulfill the conditions or requirements of a mathematical statement, equation, or inequality

uspokojit, splnit

a numerical or constant factor that multiplies a variable in an algebraic term


an equation where the highest power of the variable is squared

kvadratická rovnice

a statistical method used to model and analyze the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables

regrese, analýza regrese

having points that lie on the same straight line

kolineární, na jedné přímce

a statement or proposition that has been proven to be true based on previously established axioms, definitions, and other theorems within a particular mathematical or logical system


a recurring interval or length associated with a mathematical function or pattern

perioda, interval

to find the numerical value of an expression, equation, or function by substituting specific values for the variables

hodnotit, vyhodnocovat

a way of representing numbers as the sum of each digit multiplied by its place value

rozšířená notace, vý expanded notace

a method of writing numbers as the product of a coefficient and a power of 10

vědecká notace, exponenciální notace

a rectangular array of numbers or symbols organized in rows and columns, commonly used in linear algebra for representing equations, transformations, and vector operations


a single number calculated from the elements of a square matrix that indicates important properties, like whether the matrix can be inverted


the product of all positive whole numbers from 1 to a given number


an ordered set of numbers that describes both magnitude and direction, commonly used to represent quantities like displacement, velocity, or force in physics and engineering


a two-dimensional system used to represent points in space

standardní souřadnicová rovina, kartézská souřadnicová rovina

a mathematical function that relates the angles of a triangle to the lengths of its sides, commonly including sine, cosine, and tangent

trigonometrická funkce, trigonometrická funkce (matematika)

a way of representing a system of linear equations in matrix form

augmented matice, rozšířená matice