Naturwissenschaften SAT - Technische Objekte
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit technischen Objekten, wie „Stratum“, „Oszilloskop“, „Ratchet“ usw., die Sie benötigen, um Ihre SATs zu meistern.
a heavy object, usually made of metal, designed to secure a vessel or structure firmly to the bottom of a body of water to prevent drifting
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a spiral shape that looks like a coil, often seen in things like springs, screws, or some types of antennas
![Helix, Spirale](
Helix, Spirale
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an electronic device used for playing video games on a television or display screen
![Konsole, Spielkonsole](
Konsole, Spielkonsole
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a flying vehicle such as an aircraft that is controlled from afar and has no pilot
![Drohne, unbemanntes Flugzeug](
Drohne, unbemanntes Flugzeug
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a light and airy material made by trapping gas bubbles in a solid or liquid substance during production
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the specific equipment or materials carried by a vehicle for a particular purpose
![Nutzlast, Last](
Nutzlast, Last
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an exact or very close copy of an object, often made to resemble the original in appearance and function
![Replik, Kopie](
Replik, Kopie
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a narrow boat that is light and has pointed ends, which can be moved using paddles
![Kanu, Kajak](
Kanu, Kajak
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a specialized underwater vehicle designed to operate and navigate beneath the surface of water, typically used for exploration, research, or marine activities
![Unterwasserfahrzeug, Submersible](
Unterwasserfahrzeug, Submersible
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the main body or framework of a ship or boat, typically the outer shell that provides buoyancy and protects against water
![Rumpf, Hull (selten verwendet](
Rumpf, Hull (selten verwendet
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a type of parchment made from animal skin, typically calfskin, used for writing or printing
![Vellum, Pergament](
Vellum, Pergament
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an object, often a missile or bullet, propelled through the air by force, typically for military or scientific purposes
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a hand tool with a flat, pointed, or rounded blade used for applying and spreading mortar, plaster, or other similar materials onto surfaces such as walls, floors, or ceilings during masonry or tile work
![Kelle, Spachtel](
Kelle, Spachtel
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a mechanical device used for lifting and lowering heavy objects or materials vertically
![Hebevorrichtung, Winde](
Hebevorrichtung, Winde
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an electronic instrument used to graphically display and analyze voltage signals over time, showing the waveform's amplitude, frequency, and other characteristics
![Oszilloskop, elektronisches Oszilloskop](
Oszilloskop, elektronisches Oszilloskop
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a device or machine that is often unusual or complicated, made for a specific job
![Gerät, Maschine](
Gerät, Maschine
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a mechanical device powered by flowing or falling water, typically used to generate mechanical power for tasks such as grinding grain or pumping water
![Wasserrad, Wassermühle](
Wasserrad, Wassermühle
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an innovative device used in printing, casting individual lines of type from molten metal, significantly advancing the efficiency of typesetting
![Linotype, Linotypenmaschine](
Linotype, Linotypenmaschine
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a distinct layer or level within a system, often conceived as having depth or hierarchy
![Schicht, Ebene](
Schicht, Ebene
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a measuring instrument or device used to determine the size, capacity, amount, or extent of something
![Manometer, Messgerät](
Manometer, Messgerät
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a flexible material, often in the form of a sealant or filler, used to seal gaps, joints, or cracks in various surfaces, such as walls, windows, or pipes, to prevent air, water, or pests from entering or escaping
![Dichtstoff, Abdichtmittel](
Dichtstoff, Abdichtmittel
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a large sheet of strong, flexible material, typically made of canvas or polyethylene, used to protect or cover objects from weather or debris
![Plane, Tuch](
Plane, Tuch
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an object, typically over a hundred years old, considered valuable due to its historical significance, craftsmanship, or rarity
![Antiquität, altes Objekt](
Antiquität, altes Objekt
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a device in a vehicle that measures the distance traveled by counting the number of rotations of a vehicle's wheels
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a writing tool made from a bird feather, typically the large flight feather of a goose or swan, with a sharpened end
![Feder, Federkiel](
Feder, Federkiel
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a flat or curved object, often made of metal or plastic, designed to catch or direct airflow, typically used in weather vanes, turbines, or aircraft
![Wetterfahne, Luftleitblech](
Wetterfahne, Luftleitblech
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weapons and ammunition used for military or defense purposes, including firearms, bombs, grenades, and missiles
![Munition, Kriegsmaterial](
Munition, Kriegsmaterial
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an explosive device placed on railroad tracks, activated by passing trains to warn engineers of potential dangers ahead
![Torpedo, Warnvorrichtung](
Torpedo, Warnvorrichtung
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a device with a long thin bar and a weight at the end that swings side to side to keep a clock working
![Pendulum, Schwingpendel](
Pendulum, Schwingpendel
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a round metal part that rotates in one direction and locks in the opposite direction, used on art tools such as paintbrush handles or adjustable clamps
![Ratschenmechanismus, Händelsperre](
Ratschenmechanismus, Händelsperre
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a sharp projection or point, typically found on wire fencing, designed to deter and hinder passage or intrusion
![Dornen, Stachel](
Dornen, Stachel
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a simple lighting device from earlier times, consisting of a rush stem soaked in fat or grease, used as a makeshift candle
![Röhrenschein, Rohrlicht](
Röhrenschein, Rohrlicht
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a machine tool that rotates a workpiece so one can shape it by cutting, sanding, or drilling
![Drehmaschine, Drehbank](
Drehmaschine, Drehbank
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a package or set of basic items or tools assembled to help someone get started with a particular activity
![Starterkit, Anfängerset](
Starterkit, Anfängerset
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a protruding structure that supports a building or wall and is made out of bricks or stones
![Stütze, Konterstütze](
Stütze, Konterstütze
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cloth that is made from the fibers of a plant called flax, used to make fine clothes, etc.
![Leinen, Leinenstoff](
Leinen, Leinenstoff
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a channel or pipeline used to transport water over a long distance, usually from a remote source to a town or city
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a long, elevated structure that carries a railway or road across a valley or river, typically held up by a series of arches
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an upright, tall, and strong structure made of stone, metal, or wood that provides support for a part of a building such as the roof
![Säule, Pfeiler](
Säule, Pfeiler
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