
Perseverancia - Falta de esfuerzo

Domina modismos en inglés que se relacionen con la falta de esfuerzo, como "quedarse sin fuerza" y "pasar a un segundo plano".




Tarjetas de memoria



Empezar a aprender
English idioms related to Perseverance
to fall by the wayside

to fail to keep on doing something

quedarse a medio camino

quedarse a medio camino

to give something a miss

to decide against doing something

to give up the ghost

to put an stop to an activity one knows has very little or no chance of achieving success

to lift a finger

to make a minimal effort to do something, particularly in order to help someone

to pull one's socks up

to try one's best to improve something that is not good or satisfactory enough

to run out of steam

to lose one's enthusiasm or motivation, making one incapable of finishing a job or task

to take a back seat

to stop doing something, particularly when there is no hope of success

on a (silver) platter

achieved or delivered to one easily or without making any effort

to throw one's hand in

to give up doing something or stop being a part of something, particularly due to seeing no way of success



to fiddle while Rome burn

to neglect important issues and handle less important ones instead

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