
Perseverancia - Experiencia y aprendizaje

Descubra cómo proverbios ingleses como "siempre hay una primera vez" y "viajar amplía la mente" describen la experiencia y el aprendizaje en inglés.




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Empezar a aprender
a barber learns to shave by shaving fools

used to emphasize the importance of practice and experience in developing expertise, and the value of learning from mistakes

un barbero aprende a afeitarse afeitando tontos

un barbero aprende a afeitarse afeitando tontos

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bought wit is the best wit

used to imply that knowledge or wisdom gained through education or experience is more valuable than innate intelligence or natural ability

El ingenio comprado es el mejor ingenio.

El ingenio comprado es el mejor ingenio.

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the child is the father of the man

used to imply that the experiences and influences of childhood shape a person's adult identity, emphasizing the importance of early childhood development in shaping a person's future

the man who has once been bitten by a snake, fears every piece of rope

used to suggest that past experiences can influence a person's future behavior and attitudes, and that negative experiences can lead to unnecessary fear or caution

El hombre que una vez fue mordido por una serpiente, teme cada trozo de cuerda.

El hombre que una vez fue mordido por una serpiente, teme cada trozo de cuerda.

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there is always a first time

used to emphasize the idea that everyone starts from a point of inexperience before gaining knowledge or mastery in a certain area

siempre hay una primera vez

siempre hay una primera vez

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to know the road ahead, ask those (who are) coming back

used to suggest that learning from the experiences of others can be valuable in navigating new or unfamiliar situations

Para conocer el camino a seguir, pregunta a los que regresan.

Para conocer el camino a seguir, pregunta a los que regresan.

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travel broadens the mind

used to suggest that exposure to diverse people, ideas, and experiences can enhance a person's knowledge, empathy, and overall worldview

Viajar expande la mente

Viajar expande la mente

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years know way more than books (alone)

used to imply that experience gained over time and through life's challenges and lessons can be more valuable than knowledge gained solely from books or formal education

Los años saben mucho más que los libros solos.

Los años saben mucho más que los libros solos.

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you cannot put an old head on young shoulders

used to suggest that wisdom and maturity come with age and experience, and that they cannot be easily taught or forced onto someone who is young and inexperienced

No se puede poner una cabeza vieja sobre hombros jóvenes.

No se puede poner una cabeza vieja sobre hombros jóvenes.

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an old dog barks not in vain

used to emphasize the importance of valuing the knowledge and experience of older individuals, as they often have valuable insights and reasons for their actions

un perro viejo ladra no en vano

un perro viejo ladra no en vano

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an old dog for a hard road

used to imply that an experienced and seasoned individual is better suited to handle challenging or difficult situations than a younger or less experienced person

un perro viejo para un camino duro

un perro viejo para un camino duro

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experience is (always) the best teacher

used to emphasize the value of learning through personal experience, which is often more effective than theoretical or academic knowledge

la experiencia siempre es la mejor maestra

la experiencia siempre es la mejor maestra

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experience is the father of wisdom

used to imply that practical experience and learning from past mistakes is a valuable source of knowledge and understanding

la experiencia es el padre de la sabiduría

la experiencia es el padre de la sabiduría

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experience is (deemed as) the mistress of fools

used to imply that foolish individuals tend to learn from their own mistakes rather than heeding the advice or experiences of others

La experiencia es considerada la amante de los tontos.

La experiencia es considerada la amante de los tontos.

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experience is the teacher of fools

used to imply that some people may be unwilling or unable to learn from the advice of others and may only learn important lessons through personal experience and making mistakes

la experiencia es la maestra de los tontos

la experiencia es la maestra de los tontos

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tell me and I will forget, show me, and I may not remember, involve me and I will understand

used to emphasize the importance of active learning in contrast to simply being told or shown

Dime y lo olvidaré, muéstramelo y tal vez no lo recuerde, involúcrame y lo entenderé.

Dime y lo olvidaré, muéstramelo y tal vez no lo recuerde, involúcrame y lo entenderé.

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only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches

used to imply that only the person who is directly experiencing a particular problem or difficulty can fully understand the extent of their discomfort or pain

Sólo el usuario sabe dónde aprieta el zapato.

Sólo el usuario sabe dónde aprieta el zapato.

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they that live (the) longest see (the) most

used to imply that the longer people live, the more experiences and knowledge they gather, which can lead to a deeper understanding of life and the world around them

Los que viven más ven más.

Los que viven más ven más.

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learn to say before you sing

used to imply that mastering the basics or fundamentals of a skill or subject is essential before attempting more advanced or complex aspects of it

learning is the eye of the mind

used to imply that education and continuous learning are essential for gaining knowledge, understanding, and expanding one's mental horizons

experience without learning is far better than learning without experience

used to imply that practical experience and hands-on learning are more significant and impactful than acquiring knowledge solely through theoretical or academic means

La experiencia sin aprender es mucho mejor que aprender sin experiencia.

La experiencia sin aprender es mucho mejor que aprender sin experiencia.

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when house and land are gone and spent, then learning is most excellent

used to imply that education and knowledge are the most important assets one can have, especially in difficult times when material possessions have been lost or no longer hold value

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