رسانه و ارتباطات - زبان پیامک
در اینجا با چند کلمه انگلیسی مرتبط با زبان پیامک مانند "brb"، "btw" و "obvs" آشنا می شوید.
املای کلمه
a group of characters, such as ':-)', resembling a smiling face used in online conversations

used in a text message, email, etc. to share a personal opinion of something

تا آنجایی که من اطلاع دارم (در مکالمه آنلاین)
used in a text message, email, etc. to express one's doubt while giving an opinion

تا آنجایی که من میدانم (در مکالمه آنلاین)
(especially in text messages, on social media, etc.) a male partner that one has a sexual or romantic relationship with

دوستپسر (در مکالمه آنلاین، شبکههای اجتماعی و غیره)
(especially in text messages, on social media, etc.) a female partner that one has a sexual or romantic relationship with

دوستدختر (در مکالمه آنلاین، شبکههای اجتماعی و غیره)
someone's best friend, used by young people on social media, especially in text messages

بهترین دوست, صمیمیترین دوست
used in online conversations indicating that one would be back after a short time

الان برمیگردم (در مکالمه آنلاین)
a common abbreviation used in texts or online conversations, which means one does not know something

نمیدانم (در مکالمه آنلاین)
used especially in text or online messages to express laughter or amusement about something funny

خنده با صدای بلند (در مکالمه آنلاین), هاها
used in texts or online messages about something that is funny and amusing, expressing laughter

خنده با صدای بلند (در مکالمه آنلاین)
used in text messages, emails, etc. emphasizing that someone should not interfere in other's lives

فضولی موقوف (در مکالمه آنلاین), سرت در کار خودت باشد
especially used in text messages, emails, etc. indicating that something is clear and easily understood

معلوم است (در مکالمه آنلاین)
used to express shock, surprise, or excitement, particularly on social media or in text messages

اوه خدای من (در مکالمه آنلاین)
used in a text message, email, etc. as a dismissive response to a long post or text or to give a summary

خیلی طولانی بود، نخواندم (در مکالمه آنلاین)
used to express good wishes and congratulations to someone on their birthday

زادروز مبارک!, تبریک میگویم به خاطر زادروزت!

an abbreviation commonly used in online conversations and social media posts to encourage living life to the fullest and taking risks

مگه چندبار قراره زندگی کنی
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a quick and casual way of saying goodbye or indicating that the person expects to see the recipient again soon

به زودی میبینمت, خداحافظ

an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used to distinguish between online or virtual interactions and interactions that take place in person or offline
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a quick and casual way of acknowledging a request or expressing that something is not an issue

مشکلی نیست, نگران نباشید

an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a quick and casual way of letting someone know that the sender is en route to a location or event

دارم میام, در راه هستم

used in written or spoken conversations to indicate that someone has shared more personal or detailed information than is comfortable or necessary

لازم نبود بدونم
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used to express that something is funny or amusing

واکنش خخخ
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a quick and casual way of expressing approval, satisfaction, or agreement

عالی!, فوق العاده!

an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a way of starting a conversation or checking in with someone to see what they are up to

چی کار میکنی؟, چه خبر؟

used to introduce a new topic or information that is related to the ongoing conversation

used to express the urgency or immediacy of completing a task or taking action without unnecessary delay

در اولین فرصت
used in online messaging, texting, and email as a friendly way to indicate that the conversation is ending but the speakers will communicate again in the future

بعدا بازم با هم صحبت میکنیم
used in written or spoken communication to indicate that the information being provided is intended to inform the recipient, but not necessarily requiring any action on their part

محض اطلاع