Media și Comunicare - Limba SMS
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de limbajul SMS, cum ar fi „brb”, „btw” și „obvs”.
Fișe de studiu
a group of characters, such as ':-)', resembling a smiling face used in online conversations
smiley, emoticon
used in a text message, email, etc. to share a personal opinion of something
used in a text message, email, etc. to express one's doubt while giving an opinion
(especially in text messages, on social media, etc.) a male partner that one has a sexual or romantic relationship with
iubit, partener
(especially in text messages, on social media, etc.) a female partner that one has a sexual or romantic relationship with
prietena, parteneră
someone's best friend, used by young people on social media, especially in text messages
cel mai bun prieten pentru totdeauna, BFF
used in online conversations indicating that one would be back after a short time
mă întorc imediat, vin imediat
a common abbreviation used in texts or online conversations, which means one does not know something
nu știu, nu am idee
used especially in text or online messages to express laughter or amusement about something funny
râd tare, LOL
used in texts or online messages about something that is funny and amusing, expressing laughter
used in text messages, emails, etc. emphasizing that someone should not interfere in other's lives
Ocupă-te de treburile tale, Nu te băga în viața altora
especially used in text messages, emails, etc. indicating that something is clear and easily understood
evident, clar
used to express shock, surprise, or excitement, particularly on social media or in text messages
Oh, Dumnezeule!
used in a text message, email, etc. as a dismissive response to a long post or text or to give a summary
TL;DR, Prea lung; nu am citit
used to express good wishes and congratulations to someone on their birthday
La mulți ani!, Felicidades de ziua ta!
an abbreviation commonly used in online conversations and social media posts to encourage living life to the fullest and taking risks
trăim o singură dată, trăiește-ți viața
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a quick and casual way of saying goodbye or indicating that the person expects to see the recipient again soon
Pe curând, La revedere
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used to distinguish between online or virtual interactions and interactions that take place in person or offline
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a quick and casual way of acknowledging a request or expressing that something is not an issue
nicio problemă, nu te îngrijora
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a quick and casual way of letting someone know that the sender is en route to a location or event
vin acum, sunt pe drum
used in written or spoken conversations to indicate that someone has shared more personal or detailed information than is comfortable or necessary
prea multe informații!, informații prea detaliate!
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used to express that something is funny or amusing
lol, mor de râs
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a quick and casual way of expressing approval, satisfaction, or agreement
Super!, Excelent!
an abbreviation commonly used in text messaging and online communications, often used as a way of starting a conversation or checking in with someone to see what they are up to
Ce faci?, Ce se întâmplă?
used to introduce a new topic or information that is related to the ongoing conversation
apropos, de altfel
used to express the urgency or immediacy of completing a task or taking action without unnecessary delay
cât mai repede posibil, cât de repede se poate
used in online messaging, texting, and email as a friendly way to indicate that the conversation is ending but the speakers will communicate again in the future
Pe curând, Ne vedem
used in written or spoken communication to indicate that the information being provided is intended to inform the recipient, but not necessarily requiring any action on their part
said when someone helps us or does something nice for us
Mulțumesc!, Îți mulțumesc!
used as a casual way of saying goodbye or indicating that the person expects to see the recipient again soon
Ne vedem!, La revedere!