to move in large numbers, often denoting a rapid and abundant movement of people, animals, or objects

رَانَیدن, تکاپو زدن

to hold or participate in a closed political meetingespecially for the purpose of making decisions or planning strategies within a political group or organization

نامزدهای انتخاباتی یا خط مشی سیاسی را تعیین کردن
to start or initiate something, such as a new project or venture

دستبهکار شدن, آغاز کردن، اقدام کردن به
to give someone courage or confidence, inspiring them to take bold actions or face challenges with determination

دلوجرئت دادن, تشویق کردن، بیپروا کردن
to add a light or subtle color to something, giving it a hint of a particular shade

تهرنگ زدن, رنگدار کردن
to gradually moving forward or extending beyond established boundaries or limits

پیشروی کردن در
to openly ignore or disobey something, showing disrespect by not following rules or standards

تحقیر کردن, پست شمردن
to be about to happen or to threaten to occur, typically used to describe a looming event or situation

مشرف بودن, در شرف وقوع بودن، محتملالوقوع بودن
to unfairly take money or what someone deserves from them through dishonest methods

دستبرد زدن, فریب دادن

to stop or halt something, especially bleeding or the spread of something undesirable

بند آوردن (جریان مایعات)
to block a passage or space, typically causing a hindrance or obstruction to the normal flow of something

مسدود کردن, بستن، محتقن کردن
to plan or scheme in order to achieve a specific goal or outcome

طرح ریختن, نقشه کشیدن، تدبیر کردن
to confuse someone, making it difficult for them to understand or think clearly

سردرگم کردن, هاجوواج کردن
to share personal thoughts, feelings, or information with someone in private

در میان گذاشتن, محرمانه گفتن، محرم کردن