Vocabulaire Essentiel pour le GRE - La Finance
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais sur la finance, tels que « audit », « undercut », « subvention », etc. qui sont nécessaires pour l'examen GRE.
a formal inspection of a business's financial records to see if they are correct and accurate or not

the total amount of money a person or business has for spending or investing

somme d'argent, fonds

a digital code or a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money when making a purchase or used to receive a discount

the funds and resources that a country or organization controls

trésor public, trésorerie

the illegal acts done to pay less tax than what is owed or to avoid paying taxes altogether

fraude fiscale
the system by which a government collects money from citizens and businesses to fund public services

an amount of money that a government or organization pays to lower the costs of producing goods or providing services so that prices do not increase

subsides, subvention
an economic situation with persistent high inflation and a high unemployment rate

a loan guarantee that may be taken away if the loan is not repaid

nantissement, garantie, caution
the funds that are set aside for unforeseen expenses that may arise in the future

fonds de prévoyance, fonds de contingence

a digital or virtual form of currency secured by cryptography

cryptomonnaie, monnaie numérique

a time of little economic activity and high unemployment, which lasts for a long time

the money one owns in a property after paying back any money one borrowed to buy it

valeur résiduelle
the obvious meaning or worth of something, without looking deeper

valeur nominale, valeur en apparence

the irregular or unpredictable variation in something over time, characterized by alternating changes

fluctuation, variation
financial assets in the form of money or able to be easily converted into money

the theory or policy of controlling the amount of money in circulation as the preferred method of stabilizing the economy

a deficit in a bank account caused by withdrawing more money than is available

découvert, déficit bancaire

(economics) an unprocessed material that can be traded in different exchanges or marketplaces

a business activity that is mostly very risky

entreprise risquée, entreprise hasardeuse, aventure
related to a line of work that requires large groups of workers to be able to function

travailleur-intensif, à forte intensité de travail

(of work) not requiring special skills, often considered unimportant and poorly paid

a paid leave from work, often taken every seven years, for study or personal growth

congé sabbatique, sabbatical

demanding or requiring a considerable amount of effort and energy to deal with

épuisant, difficile

boring and repetitive, often causing frustration or weariness due to a lack of variety or interest
