
Société, Droit et Politique - Classe sociale

Explorez les expressions anglaises liées aux classes sociales, notamment « sang bleu » et « sous le sel ».







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English idioms related to Society, Law & Politics
upper crust

the people that are of the highest class in a society

classe sociale élevée

classe sociale élevée

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above the salt

(of people) of a rank or position that is high or honorable

dans un poste de haut rang

dans un poste de haut rang

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below the salt

(of people) of a status, position, or reputation that is low

dans une position inférieure

dans une position inférieure

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airs and graces

an exaggerated or artificial display of superiority or elegance

se comporter de manière exagérée

se comporter de manière exagérée

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blue blood

someone who is born in a family that is of noble rank or social prominence

membre de l'aristocratie

membre de l'aristocratie

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fair-haired boy

a person who is favored or treated with special privilege, often by someone in a position of authority

personne privilégiée

personne privilégiée

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born in the purple

privileged by birth or family background



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to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

to be born into a wealthy or privileged family and having access to all the luxuries and comfort that comes with it

naître avec une cuillère en argent dans la bouche

naître avec une cuillère en argent dans la bouche

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silver spoon

wealth that is inherited to one from a royal or very rich family



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the chattering class

intellectuals, commentators, or influencers who are frequently talking or writing about public issues and current events but who may lack practical experience or political power

critiques de la société

critiques de la société

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skid row

a poor area in a town or city in which a lot of homeless or drunk people live



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the right side of the tracks

a very safe and wealthy area in a city or town

quartier prospère ou riche

quartier prospère ou riche

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worm's eye view

a perspective that emphasizes the view or situation of someone with lower status or authority

point de vue sympathique

point de vue sympathique

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plum in one's mouth

a manner of speaking associated with wealth, social status, or formal education

avoir un accent comme les gens de haute classe sociale

avoir un accent comme les gens de haute classe sociale

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