Le livre Insight - Intermédiaire - Unité 7 - 7A
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 7 à 7A du manuel de cours Insight Intermediate, tel que « distinguer », « tout à fait », « répulsif », etc.
to recognize the difference present between two people or things

faire la différence entre
to think about something carefully before making a decision or forming an opinion

considérer, envisager
causing a strong feeling of disgust or dislike, making one want to avoid or reject something or someone

in a way that is appropriate or accepted everywhere, by everyone, or in all cases

the way that a certain type of food feels in one's mouth, whether it is hard, smooth, etc.

(of food) requiring to be chewed a lot in order to be swallowed easily

difficile à mâcher, caoutchouteux
having a thin and watery texture, often flowing freely on a surface

couvert de liquide, visqueux