
Verbes d'Attachement et de Séparation - Verbes pour couper

Ici, vous apprendrez quelques verbes anglais faisant référence à la coupe, tels que « trim », « shred » et « chop ».









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Categorized English Verbs of Attachment, Separation, and Piercing
to cut

to divide a thing into smaller pieces using a sharp object



to cut down

to cut through something at its base in order to make it fall

abattre, couper

abattre, couper

to cut out

to use a sharp object like scissors or a knife on something to remove a section from it



to cut up

to slice something into smaller parts

couper en morceaux, découper

couper en morceaux, découper

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to gash

to make a deep cut or opening, often using a sharp tool or object

entailler, gâcher

entailler, gâcher

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to shred

to cut something into very small pieces

déchirer, hacher finement

déchirer, hacher finement

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to snip

to cut or remove something by pinching or using scissors

couper, écorner

couper, écorner

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to trim

to cut beard, hair, or fur in a neat and orderly manner

tailler, couper, orner

tailler, couper, orner

to lacerate

to pierce or tear the skin or flesh, causing deep and often irregular wounds



to clip

to neatly cut or remove something using scissors or a similar tool

tailler, couper

tailler, couper

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to snick

to make a slight and precise cut, typically with a razor or a sharp tool

inciser, tailler

inciser, tailler

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to score

to make shallow cuts or marks on a surface

tailler, entailler

tailler, entailler

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to mow

to cut grass, wheat, etc. with a gardening machine or handheld tools, such as a scythe



to crop

to cut the edges or parts of something, often to change its shape or size

tailler, couper

tailler, couper

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to nick

to make a small, shallow cut or groove into something

entaille, inciser

entaille, inciser

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to notch

to cut a V-shaped groove or mark into something

entailler, creuser

entailler, creuser

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to chop

to cut something into pieces using a knife, etc.

couper, hacher

couper, hacher

to sever

to separate something from a whole

sectionner, couper, trancher

sectionner, couper, trancher

to cut off

to use a sharp object like scissors or a knife on something to remove a piece from its edge or ends

couper, trancher

couper, trancher

to slit

to create a clean and narrow cut through something

fendre, entrouvrir

fendre, entrouvrir

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to hack

to forcefully cut through something using rough movements

fendre, tailler

fendre, tailler

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to hew

to cut something by striking it with an axe or similar tool

tailler, couper

tailler, couper

to slash

to violently cut with a quick move using a knife, etc.

taillader, entailler, lacérer

taillader, entailler, lacérer

to saw

to cut through a material using a tool with a toothed blade

scier, couper avec une scie

scier, couper avec une scie

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to cleave

to cut something using a sharp tool, often with precision and accuracy

fendre, couper

fendre, couper

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