पुस्तक Insight - मध्यवर्ती उच्च - शब्दावली अंतर्दृष्टि 10
यहां आपको इनसाइट अपर-इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में शब्दावली इनसाइट 10 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "इलेक्ट", "कोलैटरल", "पर्सनलाइज़", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
to customize something to suit an individual's needs, preferences, or characteristics
व्यक्तिगत बनाना, कस्टमाइज़ करना
a country controlled by elected representatives chosen by the people, following principles of political equality and protection of individual rights
a person who believes in or advocates for the principle of equality, especially in regards to social, political, and economic affairs
to show which candidate one wants to win in an election or which plan one supports, by marking a piece of paper, raising one's hand, etc.
मत देना, बोट देना
a series of organized activities that are intended to achieve a particular goal
अभियान, संगठन
to choose a person for a specific job, particularly a political one, by voting
चुनना, निर्वाचित करना
a small group of people who differ in race, religion, etc. and are often mistreated by the society
अल्पसंख्यक, छोटी जाति
a ruler or leader who has absolute power and uses it in a cruel and oppressive way, without any regard for the rights or well-being of others
तानाशाह, dictator
the obligation to perform a particular duty or task that is assigned to one
जिम्मेदारी, कर्तव्य
to bring someone or something under control through laws and rules
सीमित करना, नियंत्रित करना
(of a person or system) enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of individual freedom
अधिनायकवादी, सत्तावादी
a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group, often with absolute authority, without the consent of the people
तानाशाही, सत्ताधारी सरकार
the right to act, say, or think as one desires without being stopped, controlled, or restricted
स्वतंत्रता, आज़ादी
the state in which a person is owned by someone and used for forced labor
गुलामी, दासत्व
a vulnerability or limitation that makes you less strong or effective
कमज़ोरी, दुर्बलता
the condition of lacking enough money or income to afford basic needs like food, clothing, etc.
a state of armed fighting between two or more groups, nations, or states
a loan guarantee that may be taken away if the loan is not repaid
सुरक्षा, जमानत
belonging to or shared by a group of people and not only individuals
सामुदायिक, साझा
the presence of a wide range of different elements or qualities within a group or system
the act of guiding or directing a group of people towards a shared goal or objective
नेतृत्व, प्रबंधन
a person who habitually takes advantage of others' generosity without offering anything in return
बजट, दिवाला
the force or energy that propels a process, idea, or endeavor, enabling it to continue moving, progressing, or gaining strength
गति, मौमेंटम
the state of having the same opportunities, rights, status, etc. as others
to be the one who makes important decisions and fully controls a relationship or family
the act of giving a share of something to a group of people in an organized way
वितरण, विभाजन
the action of making people obey a law or regulation
कार्यवाही, अभिनिवेश
a situation or a chance where doing or achieving something particular becomes possible or easier
अवसर, संभावना
someone who is competing in an election or for a job position
उम्मीदवार, उम्मीदवारিনী
a group of people in a specific area who elect a representative to a legislative position
निर्वाचन क्षेत्र, समाज वर्ग
the group of people who are eligible to vote in an election
निर्वाचक, मतदाता
a written public declaration of intentions, opinions, and objectives, often issued by a political party, a government, or a group of individuals with a shared interest or purpose
घोषणा पत्र
a specific place where voters go to cast their vote in an election
मतदाता केंद्र, मतदान स्थल
the percentage or number of eligible voters who actually cast their vote
मतदाता turnout, मतदाता प्रतिशत
to officially put an end to a law, activity, or system
गर्भित करना, समाप्त करना
to completely destroy something, particularly a problem or threat
उन्मूलन करना, नष्ट करना
a set of ideas or a plan of action that has been chosen officially by a group of people, an organization, a political party, etc.
नीति, योजना
to use offensive or vulgar language in order to express strong emotions
गाली देना, जूता
a type of government where a ruler or a small group of people have complete power and control over the citizens, often making decisions without considering their rights or welfare