Fejlett Szókincs a TOEFL-hez - Szakmai élet és foglalkozások
Itt elsajátíthat néhány angol szót a szakmai életről és a foglalkozásokról, mint például a "convene", "artisan", "mason" stb., amelyek szükségesek a TOEFL vizsgához.
to stop a meeting, trial, or game in order to resume it sometime later
elhalasztani, felfüggeszteni
to meet or bring together a group of people for an official meeting
összehívni, találkozni
requiring vigorous effort, particularly on a continuous basis
fárasztó, nehéz
involving or done by two or more parties working together toward a shared goal
együttműködő, kooperatív
extremely tiring, challenging, and demanding strenuous effort and perseverance
kimerítő, megerőltető
repeatedly starting and stopping, in short, irregular intervals
időszakos, szakaszos
(of work) not requiring special skills, often considered unimportant and poorly paid
segédmunka, alacsony státuszú
performed alone, without the involvement or companionship of others
magányos, elmagányosodott
(of a plane, ship, or boat) hired for a special purpose
bérbe vett, charterelt
a skilled craftsperson who creates objects partly or entirely by hand
mester, iparos
an officer in a court of law whose responsibility is to keep order, watch prisoners, etc.
bírósági végrehajtó, igazságügyi hivatalnok
a person whose responsibility is to manage the finances of a school, college, or university
pénztáros, pénzügyi igazgató
an official appointed by a government to represent that government in a foreign city
a person, especially an official, whose role or job is to kill convicted people as a means of punishment
a person whose profession is to kill certain types of animals or insects that are not wanted in a place
irtó, kártevőirtó
a person whose job is to find and approach skillful people that fit a specific job and persuade them to take a higher position
headhunter, toborzó
a person whose job or task is to collect money for a charity, cause, or an organization
adománygyűjtő, pénzgyűjtő
a person whose job is to train or coach someone important, especially an athlete
edző, kezelő
someone who operates a machine, especially an industrial one
gépkocsivezető, gépkezelő
a skilled craftsman who works with stone, brick, or concrete to build structures such as walls, buildings, etc.
kőműves, téglaépítő
a person, particularly a woman, whose occupation is helping a woman during childbirth
szülésznő, bábás
someone who prepares dead bodies for burial or cremation and arranges funerals as their job
temetkezési vállalkozó, halottkém
(in the US) a person who works as the head of an urban police department
felügyelő, rendőrségi vezető
an executive officer whose rank is just below the rank of the president of a country and who can act in place of the president in certain cases to fulfill presidential duties
alegység-elnök, női alegység-elnök
the minimum number of people that must be present for a meeting to officially begin or for decisions to be made
an association of people who work in the same industry or have similar goals or interests
céh, egyesület
a reduction in one's rank, position, or status, often as a form of punishment
degradálás, visszaminősítés
a person who works compulsively and finds it hard to stop working to do other things
melankolikus, munkaalkoholista