Fejlett Szókincs a TOEFL-hez - Gazdálkodás és növényzet
Itt elsajátíthat néhány angol szót a gazdálkodásról és a növényzetről, például "arable", "croft", "silage" stb., amelyek szükségesek a TOEFL vizsgához.
having the capacity to be used to grow crops
művelhető, szántóföldi
(of farmland) not used for growing crops for a period of time, especially for the quality of the soil to improve
műveletlen, üresen hagyott
relating to trees with hard and dry fruits called cones and needle-shaped leaves
tűlevelű, fenyőfélék
(of plants) annually losing leaves
levélhullató, levelét elvesztő
to feed farm animals with any agricultural foodstuff that is specifically for domesticated livestock
takarmánnyal etetni, állatokat táplálni
to supply crops, land, etc. with water, typically by artificial means
any disease that causes a plant to wither and eventually dies
elsorvadás, növényi betegség
a small rented farm around a house or the house itself, especially in Scotland
kis falusi gazdaság, kerti ház
a piece of mechanical equipment used to break up the soil and remove weeds from the ground
művelő, talajművelő gép
a line of shrubs, bushes, or small trees that are planted along the edge of a field or road, especially in the UK
hozott cserje, vércék
a house, especially a farmhouse, with the land and buildings surrounding it
tanya, gazdasági épület
the practice of cultivating and breeding crops and animals and taking care of them
mezőgazdaság, állattenyésztés
solid waste from animals spread on a piece of land to help plants and crops grow healthier and stronger
trágya, műtrágya
a field covered with grass or similar herbs suitable for animals to graze on
legelő, fű
grass or other green crops that are harvested and stored without being dried to be fed to animals in winter
a small device with holes that is put on the end of a hose, used for watering soil or lawns; a piece of equipment that is utilized in case a building is on fire
öntöző, sprinkler
the grapes harvested or wine produced in a specific year or season
szezon, borfajta
the scientific study of plants, their structure, genetics, classification, etc.
a plant that lives for two years and in its second year produces seeds and flowers
kétéves, kétéves növény
a thorny shrub of the rose family on which blackberries grow
tüskés cserje, málna
a green pigment found in all green plants and cyanobacteria that is responsible for the absorption of the sunlight needed for the photosynthesis process
a tree of the poplar family, with leaves that move even in the breeze
rezgőnyár, nyárfa
a South Asian fig tree that can grow new trunks and roots from its branch
banyan, indiai füge
a large forest tree with a smooth grey trunk, shiny leaves, and small nuts
a wild plant with cup-shaped flowers that are small, bright, and yellow
a type of Dianthus often bright-colored and used for formal occasions
szegfű, carnation
a tall evergreen tree from the conifer family that has wide spreading branches
a small wild plant of the pea family usually with three round leaves, often pink, purple, or white
lóhere, vad lóhere
a type of evergreen conifer tree with small rounded woody cones
a small plant of the daisy family with a yellow flower that turns into a fluffy white ball of seeds
a tropical plant of the mallow family that has large and brightly colored flowers
a plant with long narrow leaves and large yellow or purple flowers
nőszirom, Iris növény