
Építészet és Építkezés - Falak

Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol szót, amelyek a falakhoz kapcsolódnak, mint például a „padlás”, „melléklet” és „korbel”.









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Words Related to Architecture and Construction

a type of wall, specifically a low wall or parapet that extends above the main roofline of a building

attika, alacsony fal

attika, alacsony fal

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a architectural element that projects from a wall to support or adorn another element, such as a shelf, beam, or cornice

konzol, támasz

konzol, támasz

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a low protective wall or railing built along the edge of a roof, balcony, bridge, or other elevated structure to prevent people from falling

korlát, párkány

korlát, párkány

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a defensive wall or embankment built around a fortification or city for protection against enemy attacks

várfal, védőfal

várfal, védőfal

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the upper part of a wall, typically referring to the portion that is above a lintel or a horizontal projection

mell, felső rész

mell, felső rész

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a notched or indented opening in a battlement or parapet, typically used for observation or defensive purposes

kúpos, tornyok

kúpos, tornyok

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a piece of stone or wood protruding from a wall, supporting its above structure

támasz, konzol

támasz, konzol

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curtain wall

a non-structural exterior wall system made of lightweight materials, such as glass, providing a protective barrier and allowing natural light into a building

függönyfal, könnyű fal

függönyfal, könnyű fal

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screen wall

a wall constructed primarily for the purpose of screening or enclosing an area, often made of decorative materials and providing privacy or protection

válaszfal, díszes fal

válaszfal, díszes fal

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a hollow space in a wall, used for putting in decorative objects such a statue

fakk, bejárat

fakk, bejárat

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the vertical joint or seam between two bricks or stones in a masonry wall

függőleges ízület, perpendikulum

függőleges ízület, perpendikulum

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the corner angle of a building, typically formed by masonry blocks or stones

sarok, sarkon

sarok, sarkon

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the vertical side or edge of a door or window frame that is set back from the surrounding wall surface

reveal, világító

reveal, világító

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an angled or sloping surface, typically found on the sides or edges of a window or door opening, creating a wider opening towards the inside of a wall

szélesedés, lejtés

szélesedés, lejtés

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a diagonal or oblique opening or passage in a wall, typically found in architecture, allowing a view or passage between different spaces or rooms

ferde nyílás, átjáró

ferde nyílás, átjáró

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water table

a projecting horizontal molding or ledge located at the base of a building or wall, designed to divert water away from the structure

víztáblázat, vízkivágás

víztáblázat, vízkivágás

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a horizontal decorative or structural element that runs along the exterior or interior of a building, typically separating different sections or adding visual interest to the architecture

sáv, csík

sáv, csík

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load-bearing wall

a structural wall that supports the weight of the building or a significant portion of it, transmitting the load to the foundation and other structural elements

teherhordó fal, támfal

teherhordó fal, támfal

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exterior wall

a wall that forms the outer boundary of a building, separating the interior space from the external environment

külső fal, külső falazat

külső fal, külső falazat

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interior wall

a wall that divides the interior space of a building into separate rooms or areas

belső fal, elválasztó fal

belső fal, elválasztó fal

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retaining wall

a structure designed to hold back soil or other materials and prevent erosion or the collapse of land

támfal, tartófal

támfal, tartófal

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stud wall

a non-load-bearing wall made of vertical wooden or metal studs covered with materials such as drywall or paneling

gipszkarton fal, szerkezeti nem terhelő fal

gipszkarton fal, szerkezeti nem terhelő fal

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concrete wall

a solid structure made of concrete that provides strength, durability, and stability to a building or structure

betonfal, betonfal

betonfal, betonfal

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brick wall

a construction made of bricks, typically arranged in a pattern, that forms a sturdy and durable barrier

téglafal, téglából készült fal

téglafal, téglából készült fal

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stone wall

a structure built using stones or rocks, typically stacked together, to create a solid and enduring barrier

kőfal, kőből készült fal

kőfal, kőből készült fal

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timber wall

a wall constructed primarily using timber or wood as the main material

fából készült fal, fali fakeret

fából készült fal, fali fakeret

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glass wall

a transparent or translucent barrier made of glass that separates or divides spaces while allowing visual connection between them

üvegfal, üvegházfal

üvegfal, üvegházfal

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green wall

a plant-covered vertical structure that can be attached to a building wall, particularly when there is not enough space for plants to grow on the ground

zöld fal, növényfal

zöld fal, növényfal

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temporary wall

a partition or barrier that is intended for short-term use and can be easily installed, removed, or repositioned without causing permanent structural changes to a space

ideiglenes fal, ideiglenes elválasztó

ideiglenes fal, ideiglenes elválasztó

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boundary wall

a structure built to mark and enclose the boundary or perimeter of a property, providing separation and security between neighboring properties or areas

határfal, kerítésfal

határfal, kerítésfal

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fire-rated wall

a specially constructed wall that is designed and built to resist the spread of fire for a specified period of time, providing a barrier to limit the fire's progression and protect adjacent areas or structures

tűzálló fal, tűzgátló fal

tűzálló fal, tűzgátló fal

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a high section of a wall, typically containing windows or other openings, that allows natural light to enter a building while providing a sense of height and airiness to the interior space

klerestor, fennelévő ablak

klerestor, fennelévő ablak

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the protective covering or cap placed on top of a wall, parapet, or other architectural element to prevent water infiltration, enhance structural integrity, and provide a finished appearance

fedél, korona

fedél, korona

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coping stone

the individual stone unit or element that forms the topmost layer or cap of a wall, parapet, or similar architectural feature, serving as a protective and decorative covering

fedőkövek, koronakő

fedőkövek, koronakő

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the uppermost layer or finishing element placed on the top of a wall, providing protection from weather elements and giving a completed appearance to the structure

fedél, tető

fedél, tető

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a decorative paneling or covering applied to the lower part of a wall, typically extending from the floor to a certain height, often made of wood or other materials

falburkolat, panel

falburkolat, panel

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the application of decorative panels or boards to enhance the appearance of walls or other surfaces, adding texture and visual interest to the space

panelozás, panelburkolás

panelozás, panelburkolás

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a wall or piece of glass that is used to divide different parts of a building

partíció, válaszfal

partíció, válaszfal

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party wall

a shared boundary wall between two adjacent properties or structures

szomszédos fal, közös fal

szomszédos fal, közös fal

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a small indented area or alcove set back into a wall or other surface, often used for decorative or functional purposes such as display, storage, or seating

fészek, bemélyedés

fészek, bemélyedés

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a partition or object used to separate or divide a larger space into distinct sections, providing visual or physical separation between areas for functional or aesthetic purposes

elválasztó, osztó

elválasztó, osztó

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shoji screen

a traditional Japanese folding screen or room divider made of a wooden frame and translucent paper or fabric panels, allowing diffused light to pass through while providing privacy and aesthetic beauty

shoji képernyő, shoji válaszfal

shoji képernyő, shoji válaszfal

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wing wall

a short wall extending from a main structure, often found at the sides of bridges or buildings, providing support or separation

szárnyfal, oldalfal

szárnyfal, oldalfal

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a small groove in a wall or surface used to hide the edge of another material or component

horny, barázda

horny, barázda

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a projecting edge used to redirect water away from a building's surface

kiugró, vízelvezető

kiugró, vízelvezető

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a framework of bars or slats used to cover or protect openings while allowing airflow or visibility

rács, szellőzőrács

rács, szellőzőrács

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the upper part of a house wall in the shape of a triangle where it meets a sloping roof

homlokfal, oromzati fal

homlokfal, oromzati fal

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gable end

the vertical wall surface that forms the triangular end of a building or structure, enclosed by the gable

oromfal, tetőgerinc

oromfal, tetőgerinc

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gable wall

the specific gable end wall or any wall within the gable structure

főfal, oromfal

főfal, oromfal

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corbie step

a decorative architectural feature consisting of a series of stone steps or corbels that project horizontally from a gable wall or vertical surface

korbel lépcső, korbel lépcsőfok

korbel lépcső, korbel lépcsőfok

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a small groove or channel in a stone or masonry surface used for directing water flow

vájat, barázda

vájat, barázda

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