Könyv: Solutions - Középhaladó - 4-4E egység
Itt találja a Megoldások előközépfokú tankönyv 4. - 4E. részében található szókincset, például "kémény", "szennyezés", "kövület" stb.
a channel or passage that lets the smoke from a fire pass through and get out from the roof of a building
a building or set of buildings in which products are made, particularly using machines
gyár, üzem
a change in water, air, etc. that makes it harmful or dangerous
szennyezés, kontamináció
to take air into one's lungs and let it out again
lélegezni, belélegezni
to damage the environment by releasing harmful chemicals or substances to the air, water, or land
szennyezni, károsítani
to freely express one's deep emotions, thoughts, or feelings
kiönteni, szabadon kifejez
the remains or impression of a plant or animal that lived a long time ago and has been preserved in rock or sediment
őslemény, fosszília
a glass structure used for growing plants in and protecting them from cold weather
üvegház, növényház
describing a contract, agreement, etc. that can be continued for a further period of time
megújító, hosszabbítható
the salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its continents and islands
the outer part or top layer of something that you can touch or see
felület, felszín
to cause a person to dislike someone or something
elriaszt, eltántorít
to move toward someone, usually in order to talk to them
odaérni, megközelíteni
to stop trying when faced with failures or difficulties
feladni, lemondani
to do something in response to a particular situation, often to address a problem or achieve a goal
to cut through something at its base in order to make it fall
kivágni, kivágni a tövénél
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety
gondoskodni valakiről, figyelni valakire
(of a business, shop, company, etc.) to no longer be open or operating, particularly permanently
bezárni, leállítani
to entirely consume a resource, leaving none remaining
felhasználni, kimeríteni