Akadémiai IELTS (5-ös Sáv és Alatta) - Psychology
Itt megtudhat néhány, a pszichológiával kapcsolatos angol szót, amelyek szükségesek az alapfokú tudományos IELTS vizsgához.
all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others

személyiség, karakter

the treatment of mental or psychological disorders by discussing someone’s problems instead of using drugs or operations

terápia, pszichoterápia

a state characterized by constant feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of enegry or interest in activities


(psychiatry) a mental disorder of constant nervousness and worry, in which one expects something bad to happen with no valid reason

szorongás, aggodalom

a penetrating and profound understanding that goes beyond surface-level observations or knowledge

insight, mély megértés

the image or idea that is formed based on how one understands something

észlelés, felfogás

an intense and irrational fear toward a specific thing such as an object, situation, concept, or animal


the ability to understand, use, and manage one's own emotions in positive ways, as well as empathize with others

érzelmi kvóciens, EQ (érzelmi kvóciens)