Akadémiai IELTS (5-ös Sáv és Alatta) - Punishment
Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót a büntetéshez kapcsolódóan, amelyek szükségesek az alapfokú tudományos IELTS vizsgához.
a punishment or consequence imposed as a result of violating rules
büntetés, szankció
the act of making someone suffer because they have done something illegal or wrong
büntetés, szankció
an amount of money that must be paid as a legal punishment
büntetés, pénzbírság
the action of putting someone in prison
börtönbüntetés, fogság
a place where criminals are put into by law as a form of punishment for their crimes
börtön, fogház
a building where people who did something illegal, such as stealing, murder, etc., are kept as a punishment
to violently hurt a person as a punishment or as a way of obtaining information from them
kínvallatás, tortúrálni
to put someone in prison or keep them somewhere and not let them go
börtönbe zárni, fogva tartani
to cause someone suffering for breaking the law or having done something they should not have
megbüntetni, büntetni
to make someone pay a sum of money as punishment for violation of the law
megbírságol, büntet