
Influenza e Coinvolgimento - La ragione per cui

Esplora gli idiomi inglesi riguardanti il ​​motivo per cui con esempi come "for the sake of it" e "pave the way for".







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English idioms related to Influence & Involvement
one thing lead to another

used when one wants to explain how a series of events made something happen without giving away many details

tutto è successo consecutivamente

tutto è successo consecutivamente

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to open the floodgates

(of an action or decision) to allow for many possibilities, particularly those that were previously unavailable

consentire il verificarsi di un evento

consentire il verificarsi di un evento

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to pave the way for sth

to create a situation in which it is easier for one to do something or for something to happen

creare le condizioni favorevoli affinché qualcosa accada

creare le condizioni favorevoli affinché qualcosa accada

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to be at the bottom of sth

to be the direct cause of something, particularly something unpleasant

essere dietro

essere dietro

to be down to sb/sth

to be heavily dependent on someone or something

dipendere da qualcuno o qualcosa

dipendere da qualcuno o qualcosa

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for the sake of it

with no particular or apparent reason

senza alcuna ragione particolare

senza alcuna ragione particolare

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to put one's finger on sth

to figure out why things are the way they are and be able to identify the reason

capire la causa di qualcosa

capire la causa di qualcosa

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where the shoe pinch

used to refer to where the all the trouble comes from or where things get difficult

parte problematica di qualcosa

parte problematica di qualcosa

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the finger of suspesion

the strong belief of someone being responsible for or guilty of something

credere che qualcuno sia colpevole

credere che qualcuno sia colpevole

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a chicken and egg situation

a situation in which one finds it impossible to determine which one of two things is responsible for the occurrence of another or existed before the other one did

due cose ugualmente necessarie l’una per l’esistenza dell’altra

due cose ugualmente necessarie l’una per l’esistenza dell’altra

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to point the finger at sb

to blame someone or hold them accountable for something bad that has happened

ritenere qualcuno responsabile

ritenere qualcuno responsabile

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to set the stage for sth

to do something that makes it possible or easier for something else to occur

creare le condizioni favorevoli affinché qualcosa accada

creare le condizioni favorevoli affinché qualcosa accada

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to sow the seeds of sth

to cause the development of a particular idea or feeling

seminare i semi di qualcosa

seminare i semi di qualcosa

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