Aggettivi Relazionali - Aggettivi di religione
Gli aggettivi legati alla religione descrivono attributi, credenze o pratiche associate alla fede, alla spiritualità o alle tradizioni religiose.
related to the religion, culture, or people of Buddhism

buddista, relativo al buddismo

related to or belonging to the Western branch of the Christian Church that is led by the Pope

related to or belonging to the Western branch of the Christian Church, distinct from the Roman Catholic Church

che protesta
related to the beliefs, practices, or traditions that are in accordance with the teachings and customs of the Eastern Orthodox Church


related to or characteristic of a formalized sequence of actions or behaviors

rituale, cerimoniale

connected with God or a god, and considered holy or deeply respected in religious contexts

having the characteristics of a saint or angel, such as kindness or innocence

angelico, celestiale

referring to a Christian group emphasizing the significance of the Bible and salvation through faith


relating to attitudes, actions, or beliefs that discriminate against or show hostility towards Jewish people


(of a person) believing that the existence of God or supernatural is unknown and unknowable

related to or characteristic of the duties, setting, or concerns of a Christian minister

pastorale, da pastore

being a part of the official and accepted scriptures of a religious tradition, like those found in the Bible


referring to experiences or beliefs related to deep spiritual insight or connection with the divine

mistico, misterioso