Verbi di Creazione e Cambiamento - Verbi per cambiamenti strutturali
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono a cambiamenti strutturali come "melt", "rot" e "solidify".
(of something in solid form) to turn into liquid form by being subjected to heat

to transform from a liquid or flexible state into a stable, firm, or compact form

solidificare, indurire

to make a solution or mixture weaker or less concentrated by adding more liquid

diluire, attenuare

to trigger a process where microorganisms break down sugars in a substance, often creating alcohol or acids

fermentare, fermentazione

to heat a liquid and turn it into gas then cool it and make it liquid again in order to purify it

to take in water or fluids to stay healthy or maintain proper function

idratarsi, idratare

to remove water from a substance, often causing it to become dry

disidratare, disidratarsi

to add carbon dioxide to something, often to make it fizzy or create a chemical change

carbonare, gassare

to combine with oxygen, often changing the appearance or properties of a material

ossidare, ossidarsi

to develop a reddish-brown coating, usually on metal, due to exposure to air and water over time

arrugginire, ossidare

to become destroyed, often due to the action of bacteria or fungi over time

(far) marcire
to rot and produce a bad smell as organic matter breaks down over time

putrefarsi, marcire