
GRE のための上級語彙 - 開閉ケース










Advanced Words Needed for the GRE
to exculpate

to clear someone's name of accusations and prove their innocence

無実が証明される, 無罪にする

無実が証明される, 無罪にする

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to abrogate

to terminate an agreement, right, law, custom, etc. in an official manner

廃止する, 無効にする

廃止する, 無効にする

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to censure

to strongly criticize in an official manner

非難する, 批判する

非難する, 批判する

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to condone

to accept or forgive something that is commonly believed to be wrong

容認する, 黙認する

容認する, 黙認する

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to document

to support an argument, claim, etc. by providing facts and evidence

文書化する, 証明する

文書化する, 証明する

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to enjoin

to tell someone to do something by ordering or instructing them

命じる, 指示する

命じる, 指示する

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to ferret

to try to find something in a confined space

探す, 捜す

探す, 捜す

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to forfeit

to no longer be able to access a right, property, privilege, etc. as a result of violating a law or a punishment for doing something wrong

失う,  forfeiture

失う, forfeiture

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to immure

to take a person or thing to a confined space and trap them there

幽閉する, 閉じ込める

幽閉する, 閉じ込める

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to promulgate

to make a formal statement presenting a new rule, law, etc. that is going to be put into action

公布する, 発令する

公布する, 発令する

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to proscribe

to officially ban the existence or practice of something

禁止する, 制限する

禁止する, 制限する

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to render

to provide someone with something, such as help or services, especially as required or expected

提供する, 与える

提供する, 与える

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to repudiate

to be unwilling to accept or recognize something

拒否する, 否認する

拒否する, 否認する

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to sanction

to officially approve of something such as an action, change, practice, etc.

承認する, 認証する

承認する, 認証する

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to vindicate

to clear someone from blame or suspicion and prove their innocence

無罪にする, 弁護する

無罪にする, 弁護する

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an authorized practitioner of law who defends a person's case in a courtroom

弁護士, 弁護人

弁護士, 弁護人

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the state of an organization or country that is lacking in order, authority, or control



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the privilege of being officially released from an obligation, law, or something that is usually prohibited

免除, 特例

免除, 特例

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a privilege or right that is granted legally

権利, 特権

権利, 特権

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an illegal or unjust act committed by a person of high standing

不正行為, 違法行為

不正行為, 違法行為

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an individual who feigns incompetence or illness just so they would not have to do something

怠け者, 病気を装う人

怠け者, 病気を装う人

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an individual who demands total obedience to rules, laws, and orders

厳格な人, 規律主義者

厳格な人, 規律主義者

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an official decision that is made, particularly when an official body takes a group vote

決議, 公式な決定

決議, 公式な決定

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(of a statement or story) unlikely to be authentic, even though it is widely believed to be true

アポクリファル, 信憑性が疑わしい

アポクリファル, 信憑性が疑わしい

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relating or belonging to something bigger or more important, like lifestyles, structures, systems, etc.

付随する, 関連する

付随する, 関連する

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not authentic or true, despite attempting to make it seem so

偽の, インチキの

偽の, インチキの

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(of statements) intending to ruin someone's reputation with the use of unpleasant or false information

中傷的な, 名誉毀損の

中傷的な, 名誉毀損の

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not having reached a conclusion about something being true, good, or if it should be done

疑わしい, 不確かな

疑わしい, 不確かな

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demanding great respect in a way that cannot be ignored or degraded

侵犯されない, 聖なる

侵犯されない, 聖なる

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not affected, and immune to harm, change, disrespect, or destruction

不侵害, 神聖

不侵害, 神聖

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applying good judgment, reason, and sense when making a decision or doing something

賢明な, 慎重な

賢明な, 慎重な

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stopping others from doing something

制約的, 禁止的

制約的, 禁止的

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honorable and honest to the point of becoming impossible to criticize, question, or blame

非の打ち所がない, 疑う余地がない

非の打ち所がない, 疑う余地がない

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not grave and thus capable of being pardoned or overlooked

軽微な, 許される

軽微な, 許される

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to abjure

to give up or reject a belief, claim, or practice through formal or public declaration

棄教する, 放棄する

棄教する, 放棄する

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to impute

to falsely assign a quality, particularly a bad one, to a person or thing

不当に帰属させる, 不当なレッテルを貼る

不当に帰属させる, 不当なレッテルを貼る

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skillful in achieving what one desires, especially through deceptive means

狡猾な, ずる賢い

狡猾な, ずる賢い

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