
最も一般的な250の英語句動詞 - 上位 176 ~ 200 の句動詞

ここでは、「call in」、「add up」、「light up」など、英語で最も一般的な句動詞のリストのパート 8 を提供します。









Most Common Phrasal Verbs in English Vocabulary
to go out to

to have sympathy for someone and hope that they will get through the difficult situation they are in

同情する, 支援を示す

同情する, 支援を示す

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to call in

to request someone's services or assistance

呼ぶ, 依頼する

呼ぶ, 依頼する

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to walk out

to leave suddenly, especially to show discontent

突然出て行く, 急いで立ち去る

突然出て行く, 急いで立ち去る

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to come after

to follow or chase someone, often with the intent of catching or reaching them

追いかける, 後を追う

追いかける, 後を追う

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to zoom in

to adjust the lens of a camera in a way that makes the person or thing being filmed or photographed appear closer or larger

ズームインする, 拡大する

ズームインする, 拡大する

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to stand by

to refrain from taking action when it is necessary

傍観する, 介入しない

傍観する, 介入しない

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to get away with

to escape punishment for one's wrong actions

罰を逃れる, 無罪になる

罰を逃れる, 無罪になる

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to move up

to move to a higher place

上がる, 動く上へ

上がる, 動く上へ

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to add up

to be logically consistent

論理的に一致する, 整合する

論理的に一致する, 整合する

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to move away

to go to live in another area

引っ越す, 離れる

引っ越す, 離れる

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to light up

to make something bright by means of color or light

照らす, 点灯する

照らす, 点灯する

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to cave in

to collapse toward the center

崩れる, 陥没する

崩れる, 陥没する

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to come out with

to suddenly say something, especially in a rude or surprising way

言い放つ, 言う

言い放つ, 言う

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to weigh in

to find one's weight, especially in an official measurement before or after a contest

体重を量る, 測定する

体重を量る, 測定する

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to play on

to take advantage of someone's feelings or weaknesses

利用する, 感情を操る

利用する, 感情を操る

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to break into

to use force to enter a building, vehicle, or other enclosed space, usually for the purpose of theft

侵入する, 力づくで入る

侵入する, 力づくで入る

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to work through

to carefully examine a problem or situation in order to reach a solution

問題を解決する, 綿密に検討する

問題を解決する, 綿密に検討する

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to cut down

to cut through something at its base in order to make it fall

切り倒す, 根元から切る

切り倒す, 根元から切る

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to pull off

to successfully achieve or accomplish something

成功させる, 実現する

成功させる, 実現する

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to spread out

to separate a group of things and arrange or place them over a large area

広げる, ばらまく

広げる, ばらまく

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to go over to

‌to change one's allegiance or beliefs and switch to a different side, opinion, habit, or position

別の立場に移る, 信念を変える

別の立場に移る, 信念を変える

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to lock in

to shut someone or oneself in a place by locking the door

施錠する, 閉じ込める

施錠する, 閉じ込める

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to break out

to free oneself from a place that one is being held against their will, such as a prison

脱走する, 逃げ出す

脱走する, 逃げ出す

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to come by

to visit or stop by a place for a brief period

立ち寄る, 訪れる

立ち寄る, 訪れる

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to knock back

to drink quickly or consume a beverage in a rapid or forceful manner

ガーッと飲む, 一気に飲む

ガーッと飲む, 一気に飲む

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