250 Cele Mai Comune Verbe Frasale în Engleză - Top 176 - 200 de verbe frazale
Aici vi se oferă partea a 8-a a listei celor mai comune verbe phrasal în limba engleză, cum ar fi „call in”, „add up” și „light up”.
Fișe de studiu
to have sympathy for someone and hope that they will get through the difficult situation they are in
a exprima empatie față de
to follow or chase someone, often with the intent of catching or reaching them
a urmări
to adjust the lens of a camera in a way that makes the person or thing being filmed or photographed appear closer or larger
to escape punishment for one's wrong actions
a scăpa de pedeapsă
to suddenly say something, especially in a rude or surprising way
a scoate
to find one's weight, especially in an official measurement before or after a contest
a se cântări
to use force to enter a building, vehicle, or other enclosed space, usually for the purpose of theft
a sparge
to carefully examine a problem or situation in order to reach a solution
a rezolva
to separate a group of things and arrange or place them over a large area
to change one's allegiance or beliefs and switch to a different side, opinion, habit, or position
a trece de partea
to free oneself from a place that one is being held against their will, such as a prison
a evada
to drink quickly or consume a beverage in a rapid or forceful manner
a bea rapid