情報と物の管理に関する動詞 - 検索と発見のための動詞
to try to find something or someone by carefully looking or investigating
探す, 捜す
to search for and collect food, typically in natural surroundings such as forests or fields
食べ物を探す, 食料を集める
to investigate something to gain knowledge or understanding about it
探求する, 調査する
to search with determination, often for something of great importance or value
決意をもって探す, 意を決して追求する
to carefully review and sort through a substantial amount of material
ふるい分ける, 調べる
to search in a disorderly manner, typically for something specific
探し回る, 引っ掻き回す
to search aimlessly or uncertainly, often in different directions
周囲を探す, あちこち探す
to search for and find someone or something after a persistent effort
追跡する, 見つけ出す
to search and discover something or someone that we have lost or do not know the location of
見つける, 発見する
to find someone or something, often by following a series of clues or evidence
追跡する, 検出する
to find something or someone by actively searching a particular place or area
見つける, 発見する