
Verbs of Managing Information and Objects - Verbs for Search and Discovery

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to search and discovery such as "seek", "explore", and "find".









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Categorized English Verbs of Managing Information and Objects
to search

to try to find something or someone by carefully looking or investigating

to seek

to try to find a particular thing or person

to hunt

to search for something or someone

to forage

to search for and collect food, typically in natural surroundings such as forests or fields

to scout

to search a specific area or group to find something or someone

to explore

to investigate something to gain knowledge or understanding about it

to look for

to try to find something or someone

to quest

to search with determination, often for something of great importance or value

to sift through

to carefully review and sort through a substantial amount of material

to delve

to search something to find or discover something

to rummage

to search through something in a disorderly manner

to root around

to search in a disorderly manner, typically for something specific

to grope

to search uncertainly or blindly by feeling with the hands

to cast about

to search aimlessly or uncertainly, often in different directions

to track down

to search for and find someone or something after a persistent effort

to find

to discover something or someone that we had lost, after searching for it or them

to discover

to find something unexpectedly or accidentally

to detect

to notice or discover something that is difficult to find

to locate

to discover the exact position or place of something or someone

to trace

to find someone or something, often by following a series of clues or evidence

to pinpoint

to precisely locate or identify something or someone

to turn up

to find something or someone by actively searching a particular place or area

to find out

to discover or become aware of a piece of information or a fact

to stumble on

to find something or someone unexpectedly

to ferret out

to reveal something through persistent investigation

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