at or toward a higher level or position
上に, 高く
at or toward a lower level or position
下に, 下方向に
on or toward the left side
左に, 左側に
on or toward the right side
右に, 右側に
into or inside of a place, object, or area
中に, 内に
in the opposite direction of the center of a place
外に, 外側に
to or toward the front
前に, 前方へ
in or toward the direction of a position or place that is behind
後ろに, 後ろ向きに
in the direction ahead
前進して, 前に
toward a lower level or position
下向きに, 下方に
toward a higher level
上に, 上方に
toward the center or inside of something
内側に, 内向きに
away from a central or particular point
外側に, 外へ
in the direction of the sky
空に向かって, 空へ
toward or in the direction of one side
横に, 横向きに
in a manner that is not curved
まっすぐ, 真っ直ぐ
across from one side to the other
上に, 越えて
used to refer to moving past or alongside something or someone
横を通り過ぎて, そばに
toward the direction in front
前に, 前へ
out and away from a particular place
外に, 前に
from one side to the other, indicating movement from the beginning to the end
通って, くぐって
following the direction of a road, path, or any relatively flat surface
沿って, に沿って
toward the side and away from the main path
横に, 脇に
in a slanted direction, forming an angle with a given line or surface
斜めに, 対角線上に
in a direction extending outward from a central point
放射状に, 中心から外方向へ
in the direction of the longest dimension
縦に, 長さ方向に
縦に, 最も長い寸法の方向に
at a right angle to a horizontal line or surface
垂直に, 縦に
in a straight way that is parallel to the ground
水平に, 横方向に
in a direction that is sideways or to the side
側面に, 横に
toward a higher position
上に, 上昇して
repeatedly going in one direction and then in the opposite direction
前後に, 往復して
with the head leading the way
頭から, 頭を先に
with the head positioned forward
頭から突っ込んで, 頭を前にして
toward the land from the direction of a ship or the sea
岸に, 陸に向かって
over the edge or side of a boat or ship and into the water
船外で, 水中に
in the direction of a clock's hands
時計回りに, 時計の針の方向に
in the opposite direction of a clock's hands
時計回りの逆に, 反時計回りに