
アカデミック IELTS (バンド 6-7) - タッチアンドホールド

ここでは、アカデミック IELTS 試験に必要な、タッチとホールドに関連する英単語を学びます。









Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (6-7)
to grasp

to take and tightly hold something

つかむ, 握る

つかむ, 握る

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to clutch

to seize or grab suddenly and firmly

つかむ, 握る

つかむ, 握る

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to grip

to firmly hold something

しっかり握る, 掴む

しっかり握る, 掴む

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to clasp

to grip or hold tightly with one's hand

握る, 抱きしめる

握る, 抱きしめる

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to pinch

to tightly grip and squeeze something, particularly someone's flesh, between one's fingers

つねる, 締める

つねる, 締める

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to stroke

to rub gently or caress an animal's fur or hair

なでる, 打つ

なでる, 打つ

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to pet

to stroke or caress an animal as a gesture of care or attention

なでる, 撫でる

なでる, 撫でる

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to manipulate

to skillfully control or work with information, a system, tool, etc.

操作する, 操る

操作する, 操る

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to fold

to bend something in a way that one part of it touches or covers another

折りたたむ, 曲げる

折りたたむ, 曲げる

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to unfold

to open or spread something out from a folded state or compact form

広げる, 展開する

広げる, 展開する

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to twiddle

to move or play with something in a nervous or absentminded manner

いじる, 回す

いじる, 回す

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to fondle

to touch or handle tenderly and affectionately

愛撫する, 優しく触れる

愛撫する, 優しく触れる

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to fiddle

to touch or handle something in a restless, absentminded, or often playful manner

いじる, 触る

いじる, 触る

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to seize

to suddenly and forcibly take hold of something

つかむ, 奪う

つかむ, 奪う

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to tweak

to give a sharp, quick squeeze or pinch

つまむ, 調整する

つまむ, 調整する

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to clench

to grip or hold tightly

握る, 掴む

握る, 掴む

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