ACT試験のリテラシー - 資源と食料
ここでは、ACT のエースに役立つ、「渇望」、「ペストリー」、「スカベンジ」など、資源や食べ物に関連する英単語を学びます。
the process of refilling or restoring something to its original level or condition

補充, 再充填

(usually plural) means such as equipment, money, manpower, etc. that a person or organization can benefit from


supplies of food, drink, or other necessities prepared or provided for a journey, event, or emergency

物資, 供給品

the action of denying someone access to essential needs like food, money, or legal rights

剥奪, 脱却

a situation where a person or animal dies or greatly suffers from having no food for a long time

飢餓, 栄養失調

a portion or piece of something that has been divided or given out, especially from a larger amount

一部分, 小包

to search for and collect food, typically in natural surroundings such as forests or fields

食べ物を探す, 食料を集める

to search for and consume decaying or dead organic matter as a source of food, often done by animals

あさる, 食べ尽くす

to use up or diminish the quantity or supply of a resource, material, or substance

消耗する, 減少させる

to waste or misuse something valuable, such as money, time, or opportunities

浪費する, 無駄にする

to distribute or assign resources, funds, or tasks for a particular purpose or use

割り当てる, 配分する

achieving maximum efficiency and results with minimal resources and costs

コスト効果的な, 経済的な

(of a natural resource or source of energy) existing in limited amounts and not replaceable after being used

再生不可能な, 再生しない

additional food intended to enhance or complete a diet, often used to address nutritional deficiencies

補足の, 補完の

a baked good made from dough or batter, often sweetened or filled with ingredients like fruit, nuts, or chocolate

ペストリー, 菓子生地

a dish consisting of small balls of dough that can be baked, fried, or boiled, served with meat

餃子, 団子

any kind of alcoholic drink made through the process of heating and cooling, such as whiskey, vodka, rum, gin, and tequila

リキュール, アルコール飲料

a type of soup that contains pasta and vegetables, originated in Italy

ミネストローネ, ミネストローネスープ

a substance typically used in dough to make it rise by producing gas bubbles, resulting in a lighter and softer texture

発酵剤, レバニング

a type of food in the form of a smooth cream made by crushing fruit and mixing with cooked vegetables

ピューレ, 野菜のピューレ

a mixture consisting of flour, milk, and eggs, used for making pancakes, or for covering food before frying

バッター, 衣

the business of providing food, beverages, and other related services for events or occasions

ケータリング, 食事提供

to eat something eagerly and in large quantities, often implying intense hunger or enjoyment

貪り食う, むさぼる

to eat something quickly and greedily, often making loud and rapid swallowing sounds

むさぼる, がっつく