
決定、提案、義務 - 提案と暗示










Words Related to Decision, Suggestion, and Obligation

serving as a clear sign or signal of something

指標的な, 示す

指標的な, 示す

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to infer

to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter

推測する, 推論する

推測する, 推論する

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to insinuate

to suggest something in an indirect manner

ほのめかす, 暗示する

ほのめかす, 暗示する

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it would not do somebody any harm

used to refer to something as a good idea or a reasonable choice

to let

used to politely make or respond to suggestions, or give instructions or remarks

させる, 許可する

させる, 許可する

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used to introduce an alternative or a piece of advice

たぶん, もしかしたら

たぶん, もしかしたら

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‌used to bring up a suggestion in a polite manner

かもしれない, できるかもしれない

かもしれない, できるかもしれない

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to moot

to bring up a topic or question for discussion

提起する, 議論する

提起する, 議論する

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to move

to put forward a suggestion or proposal formally

提案する, 申し出る

提案する, 申し出る

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used to make a recommendations regarding someone or something

しなければならない, すべき

しなければならない, すべき

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to nominate

to assign or designate someone to a particular position or responsibility

指名する, 任命する

指名する, 任命する

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the process of officially selecting a candidate for either an election or bestowing an honnor



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someone who has been officially suggested for a position, award, etc.

候補者, ノミニー

候補者, ノミニー

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now then

used to draw attention to what someone wants to say

now you are talking

used to show that one agrees with someone's suggestion or statement


used when introducing a request, making an offer, or giving a suggestion politely

おそらく, 多分

おそらく, 多分

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to point to

‌to suggest that something is true or is the case

指摘する, 示唆する

指摘する, 示唆する

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to posit

to propose or assume something as true or factual, serving as the foundation for further reasoning or argumentation

仮定する, 提示する

仮定する, 提示する

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to postulate

to suggest or assume the existence or truth of something as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief

仮定する, 推定する

仮定する, 推定する

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to prefigure

to perceive something as a sign that indicates the occurrence of something good or evil

前触れする, 予兆する

前触れする, 予兆する

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to prompt

to encourage someone to do or say something

促す, 誘導する

促す, 誘導する

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a recommended plan that is proposed for a business

提案, 計画

提案, 計画

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to propose

to put forward a suggestion, plan, or idea for consideration

提案する, 提起する

提案する, 提起する

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someone who puts forward a suggestion or proposal for further discussion or consideration

提案者, 提議者

提案者, 提議者

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a suggestion or plan of action, particularly one in business dealings



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to propound

to put an idea, proposition, theory, etc. forward for further consideration

提案する, 提示する

提案する, 提示する

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to put forward

to present an idea, suggestion, etc. to be discussed

提案する, 出す

提案する, 出す

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to put it to somebody

to introduce a plan or suggestion to a group of individuals so that they decide whether to accept it or not

to put to

to present a plan or offer to someone for consideration

提案する, 提示する

提案する, 提示する

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