Beslut, Förslag och Skyldighet - Föreslå och antyda
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till att föreslå och antyda som "prompt", "insinuate" och "nominate".
to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter

sluta sig till, avleda

used to refer to something as a good idea or a reasonable choice
used to politely make or respond to suggestions, or give instructions or remarks

låta, tillåta

to assign or designate someone to a particular position or responsibility

nominera, utnämna

the process of officially selecting a candidate for either an election or bestowing an honnor


someone who has been officially suggested for a position, award, etc.

nominat, kandidat

used when introducing a request, making an offer, or giving a suggestion politely

kanske, möjligen

to propose or assume something as true or factual, serving as the foundation for further reasoning or argumentation

postulera, antaga

to suggest or assume the existence or truth of something as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief

postulera, anta

to perceive something as a sign that indicates the occurrence of something good or evil

föregå, förutsäga

someone who puts forward a suggestion or proposal for further discussion or consideration

förslagsställare, förslagsgivare

to put an idea, proposition, theory, etc. forward for further consideration

föreslå, framföra

to introduce a plan or suggestion to a group of individuals so that they decide whether to accept it or not