GRE을 위한 필수 어휘 - 건강이 재산이다
여기서는 GRE 시험에 필요한 "regimen", "viral", "trauma" 등과 같은 건강에 관한 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
(of physical exercise) involving short and intense physical activities, such as sprints and weightlifting, during which oxygen demand surpasses oxygen supply


a set of instructions given to someone regarding what they should eat or do to maintain or restore their health

요법, 식이요법

the practice of keeping a safe distance between yourself and other people in order to prevent the spread of disease

사회적 거리두기, 사회적 거리

having a physical or mental condition that limits one's movements, senses, or activities

장애인, 신체적 장애가 있는

a state or condition in which a part of one's body or brain does not work properly

장애, 손상

a type of paralysis that affects the legs and the lower body as the result of spinal cord damage

하반신 마비

an unusual feature in someone's body or behavior that may be harmful, caused by duplication or deletion of a single gene

비정상, 이상

a period during which a patient's condition improves and the symptoms seem less severe

관해, 호전

(of a disease or characteristic) able to be passed on to a child through the genes of its parents

유전적인, 유전성의

(of a person) suffering from an excessive amount of gas in the alimentary canal

가스가 찬, 가스로 고통받는

to make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse or more severe

악화시키다, 악화하다

a state of extreme thinness and weakness, often due to illness, starvation, etc.

여위기, 극도의 마름