
인내 - 결단력과 노력

"stop at Nothing" 및 "play for keep"과 같은 영어 관용어가 영어에서의 결단력과 노력과 어떤 관련이 있는지 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Perseverance
to give a good account of oneself

to perform, behave, or do something extremely well, particularly in a competitive situation

자신을 다른 사람에게 증명하다

자신을 다른 사람에게 증명하다

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to keep one's nose to the grindstone

to continuously put a lot of effort into doing something

뭔가 꾸준히 일하다

뭔가 꾸준히 일하다

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to play for keeps

to do something in a very serious and determined manner without showing mercy

뭔가에 대해 매우 진지하다

뭔가에 대해 매우 진지하다

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to have nothing to lose

to be in such a bad situation that it does not matter if one fails at something, because one's situation cannot get worse

손실이 중요하지 않은 위치에서

손실이 중요하지 않은 위치에서

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to put / keep one's shoulder to the wheel

to start something in a very energetic and determined manner

끈기와 결단력으로 무언가를 하는 것

끈기와 결단력으로 무언가를 하는 것

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to run on fumes

to continue operating with little ,if any, of the remaining energy, strength, or resources

최소한의 자원이나 에너지로 운영

최소한의 자원이나 에너지로 운영

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to set one's heart on sth

to have a strong desire to achieve or do something

무언가를 성취하거나 수행하려는 의지

무언가를 성취하거나 수행하려는 의지

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to stop at nothing

to do whatever one can in order to achieve what one desires

항복하지 않음

항복하지 않음

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to hang (on) in there

to continue trying to succeed regardless of difficulties or challenges

어려움에도 불구하고 무언가를 계속하다

어려움에도 불구하고 무언가를 계속하다

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to get on top of sth

to be able to handle and manage a situation or thing successfully

성공적으로 작업을 관리하다

성공적으로 작업을 관리하다

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to give one's right arm

to stop at nothing to obtain or do something

성공적으로 작업을 관리하다

성공적으로 작업을 관리하다

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if it is the last thing sb do

used to show how extremely determined someone is to do something

무언가를 하겠다는 완전한 헌신

무언가를 하겠다는 완전한 헌신

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once and for all

in a way that finalizes and completes the matter at hand



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stiff upper lip

the ability to hide one's emotions and seem calm in unpleasant or difficult situations

상황에도 불구하고 강세를 유지

상황에도 불구하고 강세를 유지

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there is no stopping sb

used to say that preventing someone from doing something is not possible because of their determination

매우 단호하다

매우 단호하다

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to break the back of sth

to manage to finish the most important or most difficult part of something, particularly a task

like a dog with a bone

used to refer to someone who has made their decision and is not about to let anyone or anything stop them

매우 단호하다

매우 단호하다

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to eat the frog

to encourage someone to start doing the most difficult or unpleasant task, rather than avoiding or postponing it

어려운 일을 미루지 말고 하라

어려운 일을 미루지 말고 하라

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to break one's back

to work as hard as one can to achieve a particular result

아주 열심히 노력 중

아주 열심히 노력 중

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to put one's heart (and soul) into sth

to devote much time and effort with optimism to accomplish a goal

뭔가를 열정적으로 하고 있다

뭔가를 열정적으로 하고 있다

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to tie up loose ends

to finish something that is left unfinished

끝내지 못한 일을 마무리하다

끝내지 못한 일을 마무리하다

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to step on the gas

to make an attempt to do something better or faster than others

남들보다 뭔가 더 잘하는 것

남들보다 뭔가 더 잘하는 것

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