
감정 - 두려움과 공포

"on tenterhooks" 및 "shake like a leaf"와 같은 두려움과 공포에 관한 영어 숙어에 대해 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Feelings
to frighten sb out of one's wits

to do something that makes someone really scared

누군가를 겁에 질리게 만드는

누군가를 겁에 질리게 만드는

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cold sweat

a state in which one sweats because of being really scared or anxious

공포에 땀을 흘리다

공포에 땀을 흘리다

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to chill sb to the bone

to make someone become extremely terrified

chill run up one's spine

used when one does or says something that makes someone become extremely scared or excited

매우 겁에 질려

매우 겁에 질려

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to be the death of sb

to cause extreme worry, distress, or discomfort for others

다른 사람에게 걱정이나 불편함을 주는 주요 원인이 됩니다.

다른 사람에게 걱정이나 불편함을 주는 주요 원인이 됩니다.

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with bated breath

in a state of great anticipation, often holding one's breath

누군가가 두려움 때문에 숨을 쉴 수 없을 때

누군가가 두려움 때문에 숨을 쉴 수 없을 때

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to shake like a leaf

(of a person) to involuntarily shake one's body due to feeling nervous, afraid, or cold

두려움에 떨다

두려움에 떨다

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to scare the (living) crap out of sb

to extremely frighten someone

누군가를 크게 겁주는 것

누군가를 크게 겁주는 것

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to scare sb witless

to do or say something that makes someone become extremely frightened or worried

누군가를 극도로 겁에 질리게 만드는

누군가를 극도로 겁에 질리게 만드는

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to scare sb straight

to frighten or shock someone in order to improve or correct their behavior

어떤 일의 결과로 인해 누군가에게 겁을 주는 것

어떤 일의 결과로 인해 누군가에게 겁을 주는 것

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to scare sb shitless

to do something that makes someone extremely scared

누군가를 매우 겁에 질리게 만드는

누군가를 매우 겁에 질리게 만드는

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to jump out of one's skin

to become extremely scared or surprised, causing a strong physical reaction

극도로 겁을 먹거나 불안해짐

극도로 겁을 먹거나 불안해짐

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to make one's hair stand on end

to frighten or shock someone very suddenly or severely

누군가에게 겁을 주는 것

누군가에게 겁을 주는 것

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to shake in one's boots

to shake involuntarily as a response to extreme fear

두려움에 떨다

두려움에 떨다

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to scare the (living) daylights out of sb

to shock or frighten someone very suddenly or severely

누군가를 놀라게 하거나 겁을 주게 만드는 것

누군가를 놀라게 하거나 겁을 주게 만드는 것

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on tenterhooks

in a state of great anxiety, suspense, or excitement while waiting for something

매우 불안하다

매우 불안하다

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like a scalded cat

in a very restless and agitated state, often due to being shocked or frightened

to scare the (living) shit out of sb

to intensely frighten or shock someone

누군가에게 강렬하게 겁을 주는 것

누군가에게 강렬하게 겁을 주는 것

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rooted to the spot

unable to move or act due to being extremely shocked, surprised, or frightened

두려움 때문에 움직이지 못하는 사람

두려움 때문에 움직이지 못하는 사람

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to make one's blood run cold

to cause a strong feeling of fear in someone

누군가를 크게 겁주게 하는 것

누군가를 크게 겁주게 하는 것

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to make one' skin crawl

to experience a feeling of discomfort or disgust that causes a tingling feeling

누군가를 혐오감을 느끼게 만드는 것

누군가를 혐오감을 느끼게 만드는 것

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for dear life

with great effort to avoid injury or save one's life

생명을 구하기 위해

생명을 구하기 위해

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LanGeek 앱 다운로드