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"로마는 하루아침에 이루어지지 않았다", "만약 건설하면 올 것이다"와 같은 속담으로 노력과 희생을 묘사하는 영어 속담을 탐험해보세요.







학습 시작
the harder you work, the luckier you get

used to emphasize the value of hard work, suggesting that success is often the result of persistent effort, rather than luck or chance

열심히 일할수록 행운이 따른다

열심히 일할수록 행운이 따른다

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if you build it, they will come

used to imply that if you invest time, effort, and resources into creating something worthwhile, others will recognize its value and be naturally drawn to it

no song, no supper

used to emphasize the value of hard work, suggesting that rewards or benefits are often earned through effort and contribution

노래도 없고 저녁도 없고

노래도 없고 저녁도 없고

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no sweet without (his) sweat

used to emphasize that in order to achieve something valuable or desirable, one must be willing to put in the necessary effort and hard work

땀 없이는 달콤하지 않아

땀 없이는 달콤하지 않아

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revolutions are not made with rose water

used to emphasize that significant changes are not achieved easily or without sacrifice and struggle

혁명은 장미수로 이루어지지 않는다

혁명은 장미수로 이루어지지 않는다

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Rome was not built in a day

used to emphasize that significant achievements or accomplishments require time, effort, and patience, and cannot be completed quickly or easily

로마는 하루 만에 만들어지지 않았어

로마는 하루 만에 만들어지지 않았어

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you do not get something for nothing

used to suggest that everything has a cost or a price, and that achieving something requires effort, investment, or contribution

당신은 아무것도 아무것도 얻을 수 없습니다

당신은 아무것도 아무것도 얻을 수 없습니다

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elbow grease is (always) the best polish

used to imply that the best results are achieved by hard work

팔꿈치 그리스는 항상 최고의 광택제입니다

팔꿈치 그리스는 항상 최고의 광택제입니다

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genius is one percent inspiration, (and) ninety nine percent perspiration

used to imply that success or great achievements are mostly the result of hard work, dedication, and effort, rather than simply being a matter of natural talent or inspiration

천재성은 1퍼센트의 영감과 99퍼센트의 땀이다

천재성은 1퍼센트의 영감과 99퍼센트의 땀이다

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God makes the back to the burden

used to imply that every individual has the capability to overcome their own unique challenges, despite how overwhelming they may appear, by relying on their inner strength and resilience

하나님은 무거운 짐을 뒤로 돌리게 하신다

하나님은 무거운 짐을 뒤로 돌리게 하신다

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the longest way round is the nearest way home

used to caution against the temptation of choosing shortcuts or quick fixes that may appear easier or faster but could lead to undesirable consequences in the long run

가장 긴 길이 집으로 가는 가장 가까운 길이다

가장 긴 길이 집으로 가는 가장 가까운 길이다

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money does not grow on trees

used to imply that money is not easily obtained or available, and one should not waste it unnecessarily

돈은 나무에서 자라지 않는다

돈은 나무에서 자라지 않는다

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go big or go home

used to suggest that one should put in maximum effort or take a bold approach to achieve success, or else it is better not to try at all

크게 가거나 집에 가거나

크게 가거나 집에 가거나

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he who would catch fish must not mind getting wet

used to imply that success requires effort and perseverance, and that people must be willing to face obstacles and discomfort to achieve their goals

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