
C2 수준 단어 목록 - 관광 및 이주

여기서는 C2 레벨 학습자를 위해 특별히 수집된 관광 및 이주에 관해 이야기하는 데 필요한 모든 필수 단어를 배우게 됩니다.









학습 시작
CEFR C2 Vocabulary

the activity of visiting the countryside and staying with local farmers in rural areas of a foreign country

농업 관광

농업 관광

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luggage carousel

a rotating conveyor system at an airport where checked luggage is delivered to passengers after a flight

위탁 수하물을 승객에게 전달하는 장치

위탁 수하물을 승객에게 전달하는 장치

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an inn or a place that provides lodging, especially for travelers or guests



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rack rate

the standard or published price for a hotel room or service before any discounts or special offers are applied

표준 가격

표준 가격

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tourist trap

a place, often a popular attraction, that tends to overcharge tourists or offer low-quality goods or experiences for the sake of profit

관광객들에게 품질이 낮은 물건을 비싼 가격에 파는 곳

관광객들에게 품질이 낮은 물건을 비싼 가격에 파는 곳

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someone whose job is parking customers' cars at restaurants or hotels

주차요원(호텔 및 레스토랑)

주차요원(호텔 및 레스토랑)

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estimated time of arrival

the time at which one is likely to arrive at one's destination

목적지에 도달하는 대략적인 시간

목적지에 도달하는 대략적인 시간

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estimated time of departure

the time at which an aircraft, ship, etc. is scheduled for departure

대략적인 출발 시간

대략적인 출발 시간

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the act of forcing someone out of a country, usually because they do not have the legal right to stay there or because they have broken the law

누군가를 고국에서 추방하다

누군가를 고국에서 추방하다

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the illegal practice of forcing the asylum seekers or the refugees to return to the country where they are at risk of prosecution

난민의 강제송환

난민의 강제송환

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an individual who has left their native country to settle in another due to political reasons, war, or other upheavals



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internally displaced person

a person who has been forced to flee their home but remains within their country's borders due to conflict, violence, natural disasters, or human rights violations

전쟁으로 인해 조국을 떠날 수 없는 이민자

전쟁으로 인해 조국을 떠날 수 없는 이민자

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a female individual who has left their country to live elsewhere, often for political reasons

여성 이민자

여성 이민자

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a person who has returned to their home country after living abroad

본국으로 돌아온 이민자

본국으로 돌아온 이민자

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to naturalize

to admit a foreigner as an official citizen in a country

누군가를 시민으로 받아들이는 것

누군가를 시민으로 받아들이는 것

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to expatriate

to banish or force an individual to live in another country

누군가를 추방하다

누군가를 추방하다

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to deplane

to leave an aircraft after it has landed

비행기에서 내리다

비행기에서 내리다

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to ply

to travel along a specific path on a regular basis

정기적으로 경로를 여행

정기적으로 경로를 여행

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to alight

to settle or land on a surface, often referring to a bird or insect

표면에 정착

표면에 정착

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to derail

(of a train) to accidentally go off the tracks



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to detrain

to get off a train

기차에서 내리다

기차에서 내리다

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to detour

to take or lead on a roundabout way, especially when a more direct route is unavailable or blocked

우회로를 통해 여행하다

우회로를 통해 여행하다

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