Seznam Slovíček Úrovně C2 - Cestovní ruch a migrace
Zde se naučíte všechna základní slova pro povídání o cestovním ruchu a migraci, shromážděná speciálně pro studenty úrovně C2.
the activity of visiting the countryside and staying with local farmers in rural areas of a foreign country


a rotating conveyor system at an airport where checked luggage is delivered to passengers after a flight

zavazadlový karusel, pás pro zavazadla

an inn or a place that provides lodging, especially for travelers or guests

hostinec, penzion

the standard or published price for a hotel room or service before any discounts or special offers are applied

cena bez slevy, standardní cena

a place, often a popular attraction, that tends to overcharge tourists or offer low-quality goods or experiences for the sake of profit

turistická past, past na turisty

someone whose job is parking customers' cars at restaurants or hotels

valet, parkovač

the time at which one is likely to arrive at one's destination

odhadem času příjezdu, předpokládaný čas příjezdu

the time at which an aircraft, ship, etc. is scheduled for departure

odhadovaný čas odletu, předpokládaný čas odletu

the act of forcing someone out of a country, usually because they do not have the legal right to stay there or because they have broken the law

deportace, vysídlení

the illegal practice of forcing the asylum seekers or the refugees to return to the country where they are at risk of prosecution

refoulement, nucený návrat

an individual who has left their native country to settle in another due to political reasons, war, or other upheavals

emigrant, emigrante

a person who has been forced to flee their home but remains within their country's borders due to conflict, violence, natural disasters, or human rights violations

vnitřně přesídlená osoba, interně vysídlená osoba

a female individual who has left their country to live elsewhere, often for political reasons

emigrantka, žena emigrant

a person who has returned to their home country after living abroad

repatriant, repatriovaný

to admit a foreigner as an official citizen in a country

naturalizovat, přijmout za občana

to banish or force an individual to live in another country

expatriovat, vyhostit

to settle or land on a surface, often referring to a bird or insect

přistát, usednout